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Petition - Stop Fishing Lockouts In Fl Keys


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:Gonefishing: Hi guys, I've lurked here periodically for a year or so. Great forum! I have an issue that should be important to all fishermen) & we need your help.

Anti-fishing groups are trying to "LOCKOUT" recreational fishing in the Florida Keys MPA's by increasing No-Take zones by another ~310 Million square yards!

We, as recreational fishers fully support MPA's, as it is in our long-term interest to ensure sustainable and diverse marine environments, BUT these areas must be based on sound science & proven fisheries management principals. We call on all politicians & policy makers to stop the LOCKOUT proposal and IF science proves that any conservation measures are REQUIRED, to utilize all other fisheries management tools & methods before the expansion &/or creation of any MPA's are considered. To make input quick & painless:

SIGN PETITION (30 seconds) HERE: http://outdoor-alliance.org/civicrm/petition/sign?sid=2&reset=1

Petition BACKGROUND: http://outdoor-alliance.org/articles/petition-keys

The FINAL EPWG public input meeting on this LOCKOUT proposal was Aug. 20th , but the oppostision was so strong I looks like they have been forced to schedlule another meeting for input. They will finalize their proposal & recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council ("SAC") shortly thereafter. We will bring Petition signatures as input to this meeting & will send directly to all policy makers & politicians involved in the following days.

Please sign if you are attending the meeting or are from Florida or not. It all helps!


Protecting Our Fishing Rights - Together! :Gonefishing:


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