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Advanced Taxidermy Robbed


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Big loss to this company , hope they get their truck atv's & antlers back .

They said there were 69 pairs of antlers in the trailer , worth $1.5 million dollars ????   Wow , that's a lot of money for racks !!

Maybe my 50" moose rack is worth a few grand .....



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Yes , I shot the moose and found out I cannot sell it . I don't like to see a high price tag for racks as it would encourage poaching like they do for rhino &  elephants . And I'd like to know what this shop does with the racks to get such a high price for them .....

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Antlers can be used for many things like knife handles but my guess and only a guess is that they use them to make lights with them one light can sell for up to 1,5 00

and as less as 250 they even make end tables with them corner floor shelves hat racks and the list goes on 

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