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Everything posted by paul

  1. I was wondering who was responsible for maintenance of the launch. It's currently a bit of an ankle breaker and has large exposed rocks close to the water making pulling a loaded kayak cart up and down a bit of a nightmare, especially for us older folks. With all the cash being splashed on the upcoming regatta it would be nice if they could throw some in the direction of the small public launch to make it less of a hazard.
  2. You may very well be right. Broadly speaking there are two trains of thought in fly fishing ...... pattern v presentation. The pattern guys think that only a specific fly will catch fish, the presentation folks think the depth of presentation and speed of retrieve (from 0 - 10) is more important than the actual pattern (within reason). And they both catch fish. Discovering which camp you fall into is part of the journey ...... the only correct answer is, whichever brings you the most pleasure.
  3. I should have been more specific, I meant the bead head was probably fishing deeper or getting down quicker than the more realistic fly you changed it for.
  4. It was possibly the depth the fly was fishing at. the second fly you tried was probably too high in the water column. I'm happy to see you're having fun
  5. Dave has a lot more experience than I do so all I'll say is don't feel limited to bass or trout. Bluegills, crappie etc are a blast on a 4 weight and you'll get lots of casting practice as well as learning to detect subtle strikes to sub-surface flies. Keep your rod tip low on the retrieve and watch the end of your fly line like a hawk. Have fun
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