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Can anyone tell me how the moss situation is in the lower river? Might head there this weekend and do some drifting if it's not a problem. Thanks.

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Guest cplummer

was out on the upper Rick.. it's very bad right now in 15' of water and less.. and it's top to bottom floating at all depth.. was out on erie (mouth) only got 1 smallie due to being too darn buzy clearing moss..


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ya that really sucks on the upper and a couple places on the lake this time of year...real pain in the ...bleep...sucks if you pl;an on jigging for sure,,but if you are fishing the deeper water like the lake and plan on trolling for suspended fish, not a real problem...too mush SW wind will blow the river up with all the loose crap from the lake...pain too...cuz for example i fish alot with white twisters and after a few times of hitting the moss heavy they really get stained greenish/yellow, then they don't work, i find on the river they have to be new out of the pack shiny white to be most effective. But depending on the wind ect...the lower might not be too bad it usually breaks up pretty good by the time it gets there.

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Thanks guys. I took a drive to Queenston to have a look and it's pretty bad down there too. I guess I'll be sticking to the Welland and Grand rivers till things clear up a bit.

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Guest scoobydue4

I was there 2 weeks ago and it was unfishable! I was able to catch only one smallie, and that was the only retrieve without a huge wad of moss on my lure.

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I tried to fish the Upper around Navy Island this morning, moss is the worst I've seen a couple years. Could not even get a spinnerbait thru it near shore. And the fast water section of the Welland River wasn't any better. Did manage 4 bass, 2 pike and a Bowfin towards Port Robinson.


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