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Salmon at Port Hope


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Second night at Port Hope(east of Toronto) for the season, and it was a hot night for everyone, I believe everyone had more than one salmon for the evening, caught the salmon from 12:30am-3:00am with glow cleo and rattler.

I landed 3 out of five, and was contented. I lost 3 spoon and three fish a week before, my last year's braided Spiderwire fusion broke, I do not know the reason behind it. I was using 12lb mono last night,very slow retrieve and was more mentally prepared.

Another angler was nice enough to help me land these hogs and tkae some pictures as well. Most fish were caught by anglers using roe, but those that used artificial lures did well as well.

It is too bad that the best time to avoid the crowd is after midnight, and from my past experience, the fish were also more active around midnight. I hope I can do this every night, for it is so addictive.

I also attached one image of the lures that I tweaked, One was cleo, and the other three were inexpensive lures from Walmart. There were some glow tape and paint on them, and the coins to make them heavier. Others were using minnow plug. I guess when the fish are active, everything seemed to work.

Walmart is having a sale on their cleo for $2.


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congrats on the fish Joshua....nice to see you getting into some fish. I haven't been able to fish for salmon yet this year, hopefully soon or they will be gone and I will miss the run like I did the steelhead run....LOL. Keep at it!

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Hey Charlie,

It is unfortunate that you live at Fort Erie, or I would have invited you to join me to go to port hope. I miss the run last year for I was focusing on late fall bass till mid of October 2006.

I have been watching the run carefully in the last 3 weeks. I started fishing at Port hope 7 years ago , and fishing for salmon used to be even better, I was able to land roughly 30 per season. However, my catch number kept on decreasing every year, due to more angler pressure. It is also hard to go and fish the night shift during weekdays to avoid the crowd. I am physically tired from lack of sleep as we speak. It is just 9:30pm, but my mind and another angler is telling me to still go for another challenging evening.

I also wish I live closer to Niagara, and would love to fish lake erie more often, I am one of those few anglers that fish the Kawarthas and the Niagara river system.

The weather forecast is warmer temp till november, therefore the Salmon run will be very unpredictable this year.

We will have more chance of catching them, I hope. I am still waiting for the run to hit Toronto area, and has not happened so far. I believe the complete run has yet to come.

Up at the narrow channel towards Ganny river section, there were at least 40-50 anglers last night, the salmon just do not stand a chance at snagging one of the line. Wait till the weekend arrives, there will be some harshful insults get thrown out as well.

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