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Black light and industrial strength glow powder.


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Ebay has some industrial strength glow powder that claims to shine for hours. The glow powder comes in many colors, need to be mix in other oil base spirit and then applied on objects. I just bid, won, and will be receiving it soon, but have not tried it in the past. I will post it here after I have played with it.

Has anyone use this product before and does the glow really last longer?

I have been tweaking my spoon and other lures using glow tape or glow paint from dollar stores or Michael's craft store, the glow paint hardly last, and the glow tape is decent, but Little cleo lure produces longer glow, but to lose few cleos are not cheap as well.

For those who are concern of losing expensive lures, this product is worth investigating.

BLACK LIGHT vs camera flash light:

I finally got my first black light from a dollar store, it works better than a camera flash, the results of the light intensity of a glow is stronger after shinning the balck light on it. Few dollar store carries them and it comes with 4 batteries but you only need one at a time as well, it is an LED technology. I got mine at a downtown dollar store by luck. Dollarama does not seem to carry them, some independent mom and pop store might carry it, the best is to call around before one shows up, I have been searching for them since last year and they are hard to find. They are mainly use for checking authenticity of currency.

The LEd color output looks blue, but it is not a blue LEd bright light and hardly visible when shined upon regular object, but when one shines it on glow product, it glows very intensely, more brighter than using a camera flash. I tried shinning the normal LEd light and the black(or blue) light on money, and it had different effect, normal light brightens the surface shined object, Black light shows all the mini hair and hidden inscription on the currency.

I have been using camera flash or LED lights for years in shining spoon lures and it works as well, through research , the black light has more UV rays, therefore works the best and one can shine on it for more seconds as well, but it does not make the object any more brighter.

For a dollar and 4 batteries to be used on an led light, How can one go wrong.

Due to the high UV content, should one go and buy some sunscreen lotion and some sunglasses? Only if we are dead serious in landing a salmon.

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Guest canadadude

sounds great.......seems your really into this glow thingy :(:o ,I looked around today for the black light thing at a number of dollar stores only to come up empty :D:( ........anyway my flash and cheap pete spoons are still getting chewed so things could be worse :huh:

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I have been using the UV leds for 2 years now.

I like them because you can also wave them across the spoon and create a stripe pattern.

The lights are not intense to the visible eye, but I imagine that they could cause damage, so I avoid looking at them directly.

Who nows they will probably be banned with some type of safety recall.

The first ones I found were in a "spy pen" that my son brought home. It had invisible ink that lit up when you shine the built in LED on the note that you write. As soon as I saw my son with this I grabbed it and ran to the garage to try it on a glow spoon. Worked great. I found the counterfit currency detection pocket lights this year.

The ones I found have a silver painted case that is actually made out of copper. (paint flaked off after a while)

The original 3 batteries installed have a bit of clear tape wrapped around them so that they do not short out to the case, because if they do, you end up loosing the combined voltage of all three batteries.

I am surprised that yours works with only one battery, since most LEDs require 2.2-2.4 Volts minimum to run, hence the combined total of 3batteries supplying 4.5volts or less as they ware down.

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Guest Rockfish

I've also used some cheap kid's glow paint set and the glow really doesn't last. I just use it to touch up lures now when the paint gets chewed off. I knew a guy that would glow paint his spoons and bake them in his oven to keep the paint on better and then he would clear coat them.

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It's probably too late for this year because I'm told he's out of glow paint but a local (Mississauga) guy has a site called Fortunespoons.com and his glow paint/glow spoons are by far the best. Last year he sold me a bag of his paint powder for $20 and there was enough paint in the bag to do about 50 lures (spinners and spoons). His paint truley does glow for hours and his spoons are the best for glowie fishing. Way better than Pete's or Cleos or Mepps. Snidley

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Can you mix the power on Urethane water based paint?

how did you mix your powder to paint it on objects afterwards?


The LEd black light uses button type battery, therefore quite efficient.

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