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they "say" it aint over until the fat lady (sorry girls) sings----mind you its hard to sing when your mouth is covered with duck tape :blush:

so here I go and break one of my cardinal rules and announce my intentions to make a visit to Port on Sunday (providing TWN is accurate with their forecast). First phishing trip of the New Year---gotta be a first for me. By way of explanation dont usually announce plans this far ahead but----I make the rules----I can brake the rules ;) Have found that when I advertise plans like this something usually comes up that deep six's it.

Not only that but I'm going on a diet and will have lost about 300 lbs of ugly phat :P Poor Ollie cant make this one :lol::lol:

Seriously what kind of shape is Port in ???? Are the walls/parking lots still icy????

I need the delete button thingy here :blush:

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