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Lake Erie Perch


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Headed out with a buddy for some perch on Sunday. Ended up off Morgans Point in 60 feet of water. Drifted most the morning until we found the schools. Ended up catching about 100, brought home 35. Most were in the 10-11 inch range. Some boats way out past us in 75 - 80 feet of water. There still around but you have to find them and stay on them.

Good Luck!

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Guest fishmaster

You say you caught 100 perch and only kept 35 guess the other 65 were Gull food ...the only problem fishing deep perch the small ones never live to see another day ...sharpen the knife and clean them up ...small perch always leave the plate 1st ...gota love Lake Erie Perch ... :blush:

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you say you caught 100 perch and only kept 35 guess the other 65 were Gull food ...the only problem fishing deep perch the small ones never live to see another day ...

I hope the other 65 made it back to the water alive. I remember fishing off a pier in lunenburg once and I saw a kid pull up a mackarel and stomp on it laughing. That was saddening/frustrating.

Still nice to hear you had a good catch. :blush:

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Question about fishing perch that deep. I have done much perch fishing but never that deep.

Do you anchor? drift? use trolling motor to stay on them. 60-80 feet seems deep for anchoring.

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Thanx for the report...Always nice to hear of a "HOT BITE"...

I hear that the bite is on in many areas now...Now if I can only get my perch feed bag on..

Have yet to be successful still fishin' for ANY SPECIES...

Yup that's right...I am still 0'fr too many casts/drifts to count on my hometown lake (Erie)...

I still keep at er in hopes of getting a good prech feedbag on. They are my favorite white meat...LOL

Had enough so I 'm heading north to Oakville-Grimsby run of Ontario for some nice gamefish..

Thanx again for the update and congrats on the catch and is correct in backin the small ones..

They are the sweetest and always are the first to go...

Nice catch....Enjoy... Will

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Question about fishing perch that deep. I have done much perch fishing but never that deep.

Do you anchor? drift? use trolling motor to stay on them. 60-80 feet seems deep for anchoring.

I always anchor, in 60fow face against the wind and go ahead of where you see them about 30 feet, then drop anchor and drift back to where you see them on the fishfinder letting out 90 to 100 feet of rope. I find this easier than with the electric unless it's really calm.

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All but 3 of the perch released took off like rockets for the bottom when released. No worries of them dying. We had to keep circling back ontop of them as the wind in the morning kept the anchor from holding.

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Long time lurker here and thought I would jump out of the woodwork.

We have been hitting the same area with good results.

My Fishmark must have issues as we cannot make out perch on the bottom but becomes 25' of black with smelt moving in.

The smelt are a pain on the minnow and I am wondering; do you move out of the smelt current or hold on until they go?

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fished Abino today with good luck 50 perch and is right clean them all as for 60 down they won't live for long I know you seen them run down hard but just watch as the seagulls come in and scoop them about 5 min. later.

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