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Can't have it both ways Louise

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Well apparently the truth hurts. After blabbing to all the papers and sending out mass emails claiming a trapper in NOTL should have the book thrown at him for setting his trap to "inflict maximum pain" (the fox was illegally released uninjured by Lincoln County Humane Society's Kevin Strooband), now Louise Howe decides she doesn't like all the attention.

When I replied to her mass email ranting about the trapper, I included some of the recipients she sent it to (she didn't use BCC) and explained to them a trap only has a function for holding an animals leg and isn't designed with a built in pain setting feature. Louise immediately dropped me from her facebook and further emails and refused to answer or return my phone calls or emails. Maybe she was embarrassed and rightfully so. I prefer to turn red, admit I'm wrong and carry on when my emotions take me in the wrong direction.

The following is about an email reply I received from Louise Howe tonight because she received an email from Jim Brown about the jet boat thread: http://www.niagarafishing.net/forums/index...20&start=20

from Louise Howe <louisehowexx@xx.com>


date Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 4:53 PM

subject Don't EVER use my name on your forum again!

mailed-by aol.com

hide details 4:53 PM (4 hours ago)


Follow up message

On 20-Jun-09, at 9:21 AM, Jim Brown wrote:

> Consider the source...this "conservation minded moron has no clue about who you are and what you represent....

The last time I saw Louise Howe she was attending a Regional committee meeting in the company of some old ladies who were loudly exclaiming they were there to protect the coyotes. Jim/James Brown of Coyote Watch Canada was there also. Gee I wonder if this is the same Jim Brown as the one in her email calling me a moron. Most unprofessional statement from a charitable organization leader if its you James.

BTW Jim, seeing as we now have confirmation you read the forum, did you receive that email I sent you requesting the names of your organizations Board of Directors? I guess I'll have to send a written request and send a copy to my MP, MPP and maybe even my local Councilors. Am I wrong to think a charitable org has 30 days to respond to such a request? I'm really not sure. While your at it can you answer my question to your org's position on hunting in general? Guess I'll have to use those GPS co ordinates to coyote dens for other purposes. I really was intending to provide you with some useful info but I'm just a moron.

Anyway, cool your jet boats Louise. Your not your Mother. She actually thought before she spoke and I admire her legacy. http://www.buffalonews.com/248/story/566412.html

...............and both of you are welcome to call me anytime and actually have an intellectual conversation. I won't bite or even threaten............ and I promise not to get mad and call you a moron :D

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So Chilli are you a moron because you are conservation minded, or conservation minded because you are a moron? LOL.

I really don't see how either one of these words defines the other. Good for you to confront them.


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They don't like me because I have nothing to hide, am unapologetic and I am not strictly defensive. When I see B.S. I call it out. When they call me out, I contact them by phone or email but they never answer the phone and only reply if I admit I was wrong or came on too strong. I invite dialogue because perhaps I am wrong and they could help me understand why. They don't seem to care what I think. I was excited to get this hate mail though ;) . I am honoured to get under the skin of the yuppies with designer puppies.

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Good stuff Chilli. When it comes to humans and our relationship the natural world that we are part of, there are essentially only 3 approaches that we can take:

1) A development ethic;

2) A conservation ethic; or

3) A preservation ethic.

Unfortunately, we as society are too often still travelling along Track 1 which will not take us to a pleasant destination. However, a knee-jerk reaction among some people is to jump onto Track 3, which fails to take into account the reality that humans are part of the natural world, not just spectators to it. Track 3 leads us to nowhere and is destined to fail every time. It is a utopian approach not grounded in reality. The only viable course is Track 2 - the conservation ethic, which is all about recognizing that humans are as much part of the ecosystem as the foxes and coyotes that Ms. Howe and Mr. Brown are concerned about. The conservation ethic is an acknowledgement that we as humans will always consume resources and will impact wildlife, so we have the responsibility to ensure that we do so in a manner that is sustainable; for us and for the other species. Its all about wise use. We as humans are part of the equation and cannot be removed from it. Many preservationist types claim to understand this reality, but their actions & statements often expose their true [preservationist] fantasy.

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pull the trigger then prepare to take the bullet.

Chilli and that must be annoying oh well as forrest gump one said : "sometimes sh*t happens"

BTW did she have any proof to back up her attack on that trapper?

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No, this is why she cut off all contact with me. I pulled her into an environmental group that was attempting to form a website and it seemed like we were friends. Then she email condemned the trapper without getting educated. Once I told her the "FACTS" I never heard from her again until now.

The trapper was paid by either Strooband or the SPCA because he let the fox go. The trapper by law has to check his traps at least every 24 hours but many do it more often. I'm sure if the animal was trapped for more than 24 hours, the SPCA would have had just cause. It was just poor emotion that caused this knee jerk reaction but I'm not sure why after the mass hysterical email why it suddenly wasn't up for discussion.

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