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Carp Fishing Match Style


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Just wondering how many guys if any would be interested in some match style fishing events in the upper niagara? I fish in a match fishing club and we go all over southern ontario, but I would like to try and see how it flies up here. If anyone is intersted please let me know. If you want more info on match fishing in general check out www.matchanglingclub.com they have all the guidelines and rules which would be the same idea as what I was planning on doing. It's alot of fun and there isn't a huge investment needed to get started. A few cans of corn a loaf of bread maybe a few dozen worms and a little bit of luck. Because we all know how easy it is to catch carp suckers and sheepshead ;)

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Denis, what exactly do you mean by "match style?"  :lol:



Match Style fishing started in England, Europe and the UK don't know the exact origin or who started it first but it definetly wasn't North American. Anyways a group of anglers get togther on a specific waterway for a session or match as they would call it. Everyone gets a certain amount of space on the shore which is known as their peg. You must have a keep net which I will be either renting or selling depending on the demand :D. Everyone involved will then bait or chum their peg and set up all tackle getting ready to fish. A whistle usually or bell will be sounded and everyone starts fishing you have 5 hours or whatever the set time is to fill your net. The object of the game is to catch the most fish at the end of the time permitted. All fish are weighed and recorded then released, there is always a pool for biggest fish and basically biggest net wins followed by second and third. It's a great way to spend the afternoon and it's actually very competitive and some strategy is required. For instance do you fish for one big carp or whatever your targeting or do you go after a bunch of sunfish. Either option could win but you have to come thru and catch the fish. I think if enough guys tried it we could get a good series of matches going on down here. The potential is definetly in the area I've seen plenty of carp and coarse fish while bass pike and muskie fishing. Who knows maybe some of my distributors will donate some prizes as well :D;)

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Guest Jeetmuck

Sounds like fun as we get a lot of carp here in Hamilton and they are so fun to fish. I would see if I could make it when dates are known.

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Guest Eyelike2fish


Good description of Match Fishing but I just want to add that you can only keep in your net what is in season and only up to the legal limit. I am fishing the Southern Ontario matches this year and have already signed up for the first event. How much do you charge for the keep nets?


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Tried it in London (ON) a few years back and had a great time.  There is even a Match Angling club here. 



on the thames?

London has some of the best carp action in niagara. released many 15-20 pounders back into the water there.

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Good Point Steve :lol:

I will have keepnets in stock in a few weeks not sure on the price just yet but hoping to have a cheaper one and maybe a little better quality one.

The response definetly looks good enough to put on a few matches for sure thanks guys and I will keep you informed as to where and when :worthy:

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Guest Duker

This sounds pretty cool, a good way to get to know people on this sight maybe. I'd be game also........depending on how my crap truck holds up.


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Hey, Im from hamilton, live 2 min from the bayfront. Carp fishing here is insane sometimes..

was trout fishing last spring, and sometimes i'll go down to the bayfront and cast the boat launch for some t rout that may have lost their way...

usually good to get at least 1 there a season.

I caught a 19lb 6oz Carp on a pink twisty tail w/ white jighead on slow retreive!

ya just never know what a carp will hit and how!.

reminded me of the 10lb catfish that took my topwater bait when I was bass fishing in the muskoka's a couple summers ago.

Im definately up for some Match fishing it sounds like alot of fun.

Im currently without transportation, but if anyone in the hamilton area ever needs/wants a fishin partner. Just drop me an email! fcm420@gmail.com

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Sounds good guys I've been scouting out spots around here and we got lots of room on the niagara should be an interesting season. It can start early and finish late the carp are around already but finding the right bait is tough at this time of year. Corn doesn't seem to be as good as a salted minnow with some secret spray or even a bunch of maggots dipped in hot sauce :blink: Sounds stupid but it works i'm sure some of you guys have caught fish on weird things before, I know these vaccuum cleaner fish even eat french fries and marshmellows so go figure :o

If anyone else has any good spots where we can fish a shoreline without to many obstructions spacing guys about 5-10 yards apart please let me know or email Andrew at www.matchanglingclub.com always looking for new venues some of these spots are getting smarter than average carp if thats possible :dunno:


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Guest Robski
Hey! Don't knock sheepshead....Dey iz kewl! :) (especially the deep water brutes)


Dude, I dig the Drum a lot :blink: last time we fished Dunville both Denis and I caught over 100 of them each. This year will be interesting as there are a lot of new members in the match club so the tournaments( and the prize money) will be big.

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