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queenston today

Guest cplummer

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Guest cplummer

met gene (jeetmuck) at queenston this morning the place was packed..went with bradley_p .Kicked fishies butt . I landed 3 fish missed a few with one being about 14 lbs.silver chromer.We got a bit tired of people crossing our lines and headed down to the mouth .Gene had 2 on but lost em.Scott from brampton was the only other guy catching them besides me after i sold him a few special streamers !! lol.

the wind was howling at the mouth we got blown off the water !! will post some pics later.


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Guest Jeetmuck

Yes, it was a great day to be out. The rain held off and temperature wise it was excellent, at least until the wind turned around and cooled it off. Even though I couldn't land mine, still nice to feel the weight on the end. The last one that snapped me off in a couple second of peeling line would definitely have been nice. Oh well...we will get 'em next time. Good fishing with you guys again.


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We were out today in the boat. We caught three nice rainbows. We would have stayed longer but the fuse in my trolling motor blew and its a pain starting the big motor to straighten out while drifting. Fish came 6" pink worms. The smaller 4" weren't producing anything. The one small bow did come on a 6" orange worm. Weren't many boats out. Tired flatfish and streamers too but nothing. Lots of people at Queenston. One guy told me nothing was happening much. A person hooked one right at the end of the rocks while floatfishing. Fishing has been good though over the weekend. We have been into fish everytime we went out.

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Guest ChromeCrusher
here are some pictures of the rainbow we caught today

brads bow


cliffs bow


i believe we are going back out tomorrow morning



Well, expect it to be twice as packed tomorrow after a post like this!

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Hey Cliff and Brad - nice fish, glad to see the bite coming back. :blink:

I was there later in the day (got out of classes in Toronto early) hooked one up, but didn't land it- broke the fluoro leader with some really big head shakes and me being a little to eager. :lol:

Hey Chromecrusher - this is not your first negative posting, in fact most of your postings as of late have been sarcastic or caustic. As to the issue of it being busy at Queenston tomorrow - a wise man once said -"If there is a parking lot, it's no secret". So lighten up, enjoy their success with them and show a little less attitude.

Tightlines to all


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Every post just increases the amount of pressure on an area that already has enough pressure on it .Yes queenston is no seceret spot and for that reason all these posts are turning it into anther port. You guys ever wonder why you don't see daily detailed reports for the glenn or the pool? Because the guys fishing there know they have a good thing going and don't want those areas turn into a circus.

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Guest ChromeCrusher

Glad I dont fish Queenston, so dont care about your post. Many do though. You are simply showing us all that "yes you certainly can catch fish"! And exactly where, when, and what you used!

This creates zero leg-work for the lurkers, which probably outnumber members 10 to 1. If you like crowds, and like less available shoreline to fish than you are doing a good thing i guess. Queenston is no secret, your right. But now its no secret the fishing is getting hot.

I love sharing tips, techniques and info that is relevant to fishing in Niagara Region.


that said......to each his own....do what you want because i certainly wont stop you!

tite lines

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Guest FisherNick

Way to go glow bug now you announced my spot (the whirl pool). Dude chill out, and chrome crusher shouldn't even be posting on this board. Man seriously everyone that has the gear to get fish in these spots knows about them. I really dont care if i see more people there for the record i go with my boat anyway!

Stop trying to keep spots to your selves thats my biggest pet peeve.

Oh yeah im heading down to the whirlpool and if i get any I will post in the next day or two :lol:!!!!

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Guest cplummer

i always post my fishing reports and i don't care who shows up there ! i wish them the same sucess i have everytime i fish ,i've been fishing there for 26 years now and queenston is no secret.. besides only 2 guys were getting the fish ,many got skunked using their baits and tech and there was not one spot left where one could squeeze in . This time of the year the bows stage before the spawn and queenston has easy access so maybe i'll shoot for the pool or the glen but some enjoy me posting success or failure.Try using what works and we will all get on the fish!! it makes me happy when i see anglers getting them and 99% release the bows from the lower river.So thanks to the guys that support my post and pics as there will be many more post of my success and failures.....try the local tackle shops as some carry baits in colours that work and their expert advice won't do any harm on whats working....


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Guest bradley_p

Hey ChromeCrusher if you dont care about our post why do you post on our report? i think you just need to lightin up a little bud. And about the crowds i hate them thats why we MOVED to the month of the river. And gene had two fish on but lost them both. sorry gene next time lol. and thanks to the people with the + replies.


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Guest fishstick

If someone tells me of a hotspot, I appreciate it. I'll make it down when feasible. I could care less how many anglers will/may flock there. I'm sure most anglers have a job and or family. It's not like there's 100 unemployed anglers in Niagara just sitting in front of their PC waiting for the next tip. :lol:

Btw, where "exactly" were you guys fishing again....lol.

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Don't worry guys, this topic is brought up here two or three times a year and it will die off just as quickly as it started so try not to get too flustered about it. Just do what I do...if I find an area too busy, I'll just go somewhere else. No big deal, Niagara is huge with plenty of good fishing spots for everyone.

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Guest cplummer

Thanks Rick it's the sites like yours that give the average and expert angler alike a chance of hooking a fish in a spot thats hot and i'll keep posting my success out on the water...i fish 250 days a year and i work fulltime but i find the time to enjoy fishing and sites like this one..



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Guest Jeetmuck

That's what I like about this board, egos in check, good group of people, lots of information flowing and yes sharing fishing stories, pics and spots. The odd "little" guy to stir things up makes it interesting, but soon fades and heads back under the bridge.. :P

As for crowds, they are always there and will always be there, I have been fishing down there for years and it still does not appear to be any worse. Besides, it's a huge river with many places. Now gotta get back out there and get those two I lost.


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Guest ChromeCrusher
I ALWAYS avoid busy fishing areas no matter how many fish are being caught...Its also more rewarding to discover your own honey hole even if it means a few fishless days in between.


This is exactly what i mean. It is more fun and rewarding to find your own fish, and enjoy it with your close companions! Rather than hook a fish and have it run into 5 other lines while your fighting it.

You guys who think my post was negative, you're simply taking it in a negative context.

Out of curiousity, if I said I hooked 15 bows at the pool yesterday, and landed 8, all of which were reletivley fresh fish, do you think there would be:

A lot more anglers

More anglers

Same as always

Less than always

None, they'll go elsewhere

Quite obvious I think!

I know there are a lot of friends on this board, but keep in mind, your not just telling your pals about your day. Your telling the whole world!

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I was at Queenston on Sunday and yes, it was busy early. We just moved up a bit past the tree on the right. We never fish there usually but found it interesting to adapt to the speed of the current.. Landed 2, one male and one silver female both released (they have a date tonight I think). Also tailed hooked a bow which almost took me for everything I had, which is 230 yards of 8 pound line with 6 pound leader.. Lost the fish when the line got caught in a tree.. oh well, it is still alive and kicking!!..

For some reason, my fav color did not work that day, but yellow/red sure did!!!

To the buys in the bass boat that tried to help me untangle my line in the tree.. .thanks again guys...

Someone finds that Ste Croix rods tips have a tendancy to break often??.. My 1st time was when the rod had a close encounter with my car door (ouch) while the 2nd one was just casting a 5/8 slinky.

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