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BaitsLures for Steelies ?

Guest Gman

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This is gonna be one of my first times heading out on the Lower for spring steelies.

Hope to make it out this weekend if all goes well with the boat.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions. If the weather is nice it'll probably be to busy so I'd more than likely stay away from the river drifts and fish the bar.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.



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Flatfish are a very standard bait on the lower river if your from a boat. Most people have good success with them. Top colors are sliverblue scale, greengold scale, sliver with pink dots and at times I've done good with chartreuse scale or orange scale. Sizes from f-7 to X5 seem to work best. The second bait that seems to produce this time of year is the pink or orange worms. Sizes vary but I like using the 4" or 6" ones. The UB produce quite well, but detecting a hit can be difficult. Minnows are always a good bet. They work great on the bar and work just as well in the river. I have just recently starting using streamers from the boat. I've caught fish but the kwikfish and worms out do them most of the time. I strongly suggest you use a flourocarbon leader if you use minnows or the worms. For kwikfish mono is just fine. I run about a 6 foot leader sometimes more depending on clairity. Fish depths anywhere from 15 to 30 feet. Watch what other boats are doing and you get a general idea of where the fish are. I could keep going out but I gotta get the bus to school. lol

Hope this helps and good luck its a great fishery.

fishing technique for drifting

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Thanks for the tips and suggestions guys. I'll be sure to post report and hopefully pics :)

I have the fluorocarbon and the 3 ways,,just need to make a quick stop by BPS at lunch for a few qwikfish.



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Guest cplummer

i believe the local tackle shop in niagara falls carries em in fish catching colours ..... go see him i'm sure he'll hook you up.or if you see me on the river ask i'll give ya a couple.


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These streamers that people are talking about, they wouldn't be vertical bucktail jig are they ? I know streamers as being horizontal.

What colors and sizes are popular ?

Just have to ask as I know the river is a completely different fishery.

Thanks again.



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this here is a streamer... no weight on it at all.


The only place that shorefisherman have access to on the river drifts is the queenston backdrift, it's relatively short, so even if 5 boats are on the water not too many guys on shore can fish it.... but the Queenston long drift virtually no one fishes and i thnk the drift itself is like a mile long and then there's another one down further that we shore guys don't have access to at all..... lots of places to fish the river drifts :blink:

Gill Finigans on Queen St. in Niagara Falls carries streamers.... as for colours, well, i don't think there is a colour i haven't heard catching anything :rolleyes: ... buy a few of each colour (you're gonna lose some tackle).... i carry roughly 20 streamers (i tie my own) 3 of each colour... yellow, white, pink, blue, purple, black.. not that i've caught anything LOL... just a matter of finding out what they want... one day they want streamers, next they want single eggs, so pack lots of baits lol

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Thanks Spank and all others who helped.

Will be sure to keep the shore fishermen in mind and allow plenty of room.

I'll be in an 18ft Sylvan Pro-Fisherman with a 70hpMerc & 6hp Merc. Kicker.

I've got a green dakota with a FOX sticker.

If you see me don't be shy and say HI.



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I just re-read my post and it sounded like i was saying not to fish the backdrift, that's not the way i meant it.... was just trying to inform ya'll that because the backdrift is full you don't have to head to the bar, i wasn't trying to discourage you from fishing the backdrift at all.... my only fish of the year came on the long drift from a boat tho and it get very little traffic :rolleyes:

if i'm out and see ya' i'll be sure to say hi....

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If you drop into Gill Finigans, you might also want to look at the Steelhead jigs that he has - they are tied on a 1/16th oz jig with rabbit and marabou (nice "pulsing" when jigged veritically or floated).



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Does any one have a good site for info on how to tie the figs and the streamers. I used to tie flys and have most of my gear with me again, but its been a while and i am used to tying wolly worms etc.


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