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Trout opener


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went out to st.johns got there around 1130 they told us fishing wont start till noon after you here the air horn me and Terrance decided ok not bad gives us a half hour to set up 5 mins after my first cast I cant find my float so I reel in and set the hook and Whamo a nice 11.5" rainbow several hours and misses later we land on a school and I end with 7 for 14 and Terrance went 2 for 3 we both came with our limits and gave a few fish away we were using bubblegum berkley floating trout bait and corn.





those are the fish now for the blopper shots those dang things were slippery



the fish was just flying out of my hand in this picture

also I pan seared the trout and covered it in the Dill sauce mouse mention and its flippin amazing tasting

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Good stuff!

sucks you didnt come you gotta take an afternoon off this week and we will hit it up

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nice haul there bud

thanks you shoulda saw the jump this one bow made a good 2 feet in the air lost the little bugger though

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First off i'd like to say well done on the opener. Those fish are hungry first day thats for sure.

But...... Why would you keep on fishing after you'd already had your limit? Which I believe is still 2 pp per day. Especially on opening day and help others get their limit. You are young, I think you better read the regs a little closer.

Catch and Possession Limits

Fishery laws limit the number of fish you can catch or possess. The number depends on the type of license you hold, the species, where they are caught and, in some cases, their size. Note that for some species there are no limits.

The CATCH limit is the number of fish you are allowed to catch and keep in one day. The POSSESSION limit is the number you are allowed to have in your possession on hand, in cold storage, in transit, etc. Possession limits are the same as one day's catch limit except where otherwise specified.

**If you catch a fish after reaching the daily catch and possession limit for that species, the fish must be released immediately back to the water.

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First off i'd like to say well done on the opener. Those fish are hungry first day thats for sure.

But...... Why would you keep on fishing after you'd already had your limit? Which I believe is still 2 pp per day. Especially on opening day and help others get their limit..sorry Bassmaster, not cool in my opinion. You are young, I think you better read the regs a little closer.

Yeah I'd have to agree on that one, especially in a place like St. John's pond where so many of the anglers there are less than 10 years old and just dying to hook in to their first trout.

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Nice going, grew up a bicycle ride from that pond and spent many hours there in the 60's. It first opened in 1960 or maybe a year or so later, it first had put and take Specs for a couple of years and Rainbows since. When the fishing got tough in summer we always had our best luck there with dragonfly larva beneath a float, got the larva by dredging muck from the bottom of a farm pond.

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Nice trout, but I agree with the others. They need to make it for the kids, not all the locals for there fish dinner! Maybe have an age limit or give the kids a 4 hr head start atleast! Are those lil bows really worth it after you clean em, might as well get some perch!

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Gotta remember that one Joey. We all learned something from our mistakes but your generosity did break the rules. Any fish you give away count toward your limit also. If they were smelts it wouldn't matter. Your allowed four trout in Ontario (don't quote me; read the regs) but the park sets it's own limit so it may be fewer :dunno: OOPS! :D

Other than the misunderstanding it looks like you had a great opener :worthy:

Thanks for sharing

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Sorry you are taking so much heat. I guess you just need to take a lesson away from it. I think we all understand your intentions, and the temptation of catching so many fish however, by giving away those fish although I'm sure those you gave them to were greatful, you took away the joy of those kids catching one for themselves. Your heart was in the right place but....

As for stocking...I thought St John's was only stocked once, before the opener :(

I was going to bring my daughter there saturday afternoon, but she decided she didn't want to have to keep any fish we caught for eating :) I was like "buuu Buttt, awww" :) Apparently she likes it more when we get skunked XD, or when we can catch and release LOL, Oh well we went for a nice bike ride together instead.

Now I need to find a fishing partner as apparently I'm failing at raising one LOL.


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