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Carp fishing


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Hello all,

Any one fish in the Desjardin lately for carps..I still dont know if they are in or not...Have been busy for the last couple weeks...Wanna try tomorrow and hope to hook in some of them...Thanks for the informations..


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Not sure what the current is going to be like if we get rain, which might make things difficult. So far we haven't got as much as I thought we would, based on what the weather network was saying.

I forgot: if you are interested in the pics from those trips, they can more easily be found just by clicking on my profile and viewing my album

Good luck! If you are from Hamilton maybe I'll see you there some time.

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I was there yesterday. There were some fish breaking the surface and a few actually jumping. Never got a good look to see what they were.

There were also shoals of these little guys, often jumping en-mass as if fleeing a predator. Every time I saw this I cast into the shoal. Imagine my surprise when this one chased my fly. I actually saw it strike, then it impaled itself as it turned away. I think its the smallest fish I've ever caught on a fly, LOL. For reference, the fly is about 2 inches long.


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The fish that has been breaking the surface could be sheepheads ready to spawn this time of the year. They normally come in almost the same time as the carp. There will be hundreds at night surfacing, to get them , use shrimp.

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Quite possibly sheepshead. There was a lot of activity, and when you see small shoals of fish breaking the surface like that you know something is chasing them. I doidn't have any flies that were "silvery" enough to imitate them. Sitting at my vise right now to rectify that situation.

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I went there today and yes alot of small fishes on the surface...Then suddenly a school of carps make the first run of the year make all the small fishes jump up created a beutiful thing i ever see...

So the carps are in as today...when the traps were pulled up they are full with carps...I landed a few,my daughter landed two.....I still think if i fish at night it will be better for now..Sorry i did not have the camera with me today..battery dead and could not find the charger....

Go there and hammer them gentlemen... :D

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