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Sunday eyes

lunkers only

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Went fishing around noon with missalot & seasucker. Started off with a 1 pounder on the second cast and it's twin shortly after. We decided to make a move and up comes a drum, nice black crappie and some rock bass. This spot wasn't producing our target fish so we moved on. Our next location surprised us with the biggest walleye we've seen caught on this river (6.5 lbs). I caught one more small one in the same location. All eyes were caught mid aft. All eyes were caught on green jigs tipped with a shiner. The fishing slowed down so we decided to troll back to the launch and just as we were reeling in our lines a small muskie smashed my lure. Surprisingly with 4 pound line, we netted the fish. All fish were released to be caught again.

We met a member to be "King Hook" at the launch. we were pleased to take you fishing.





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Sounds like a great day...can't wait for the pics of the 6 lb eye and the musky. I was the guy in the kayak on the hunt for pike. King Hook was a nice guy....talked to him for a while at the launch. Oh yeah....thanks for slowing down guys....just my second time out in the new boat.

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seasucker sent me the pics...beautiess man!!

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Great day lunkers. lots more to come! when we saw the yak i figured it was chilli for sure. when we realised it was not we slowed down! see ya on the water boys

HA HA HA good one seasucker! nice eyes! gonna have hit that up real soon!

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nice fish there lunkers thats a nice eye for there those smaller ones are my favorite to eat thats for sure bigger ones get to live.

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