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Dan Andrews

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I'm liking the sounds of this. Are we talking one night? Sat? I think my Son who is 8 will really enjoy this! I have a 16 foot boat,I can help shuttle some persons and gear out!

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After reading this thread I got inspired to try my luck at crossing to Navy Island on my canoe today. It was a breeze. Nothing to it. I almost didn't notice the current.

Checked a bit of the Island out. Nobody was there. Lots of spots to camp. Lots of firewood. There was almost no litter on the island. The shore had a lot of stringy algae stuff but only for a few feet.

Went for a small hike and seen some deer and a raccoon.

My friend that came with me got a thorn thought his shoe so be careful hiking around in there.

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After reading this thread I got inspired to try my luck at crossing to Navy Island on my canoe today. It was a breeze. Nothing to it. I almost didn't notice the current.

Checked a bit of the Island out. Nobody was there. Lots of spots to camp. Lots of firewood. There was almost no litter on the island. The shore had a lot of stringy algae stuff but only for a few feet.

Went for a small hike and seen some deer and a raccoon.

My friend that came with me got a thorn thought his shoe so be careful hiking around in there.

The worst current seems to be on the Canadian shoreline just off the mainland but if you launch just upstream before the Island splits the current it's much easier to cross. All the coons I've seen there seem very dark in colour. Perhaps they are a unique strain due to being landlocked.

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So we called NPP and talked to a gentlemen, We asked him if they still offer permits for overnight camping and they stated that they do not do this any longer, I then asked if we were to say camp there overnight would i have any issue and his reply basically told us that they do not have authority over the island and that he was sure no one would come looking for us.. LOL

So i guess that sums it up, You can camp there whenever you like, Just be careful where you park!

We are going to camp there overnight tonight and see how it treats us!

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So we called NPP and talked to a gentlemen, We asked him if they still offer permits for overnight camping and they stated that they do not do this any longer, I then asked if we were to say camp there overnight would i have any issue and his reply basically told us that they do not have authority over the island and that he was sure no one would come looking for us.. LOL

So i guess that sums it up, You can camp there whenever you like, Just be careful where you park!

We are going to camp there overnight tonight and see how it treats us!

Thataboy, pat down some grass for us will ya? Thanks for making the calls. Hopefully we'll see you Saturday. I'm getting my wife to drop me off so I won't need to park the truck. I may need help getting the toilet over though :lol:

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OK I'm heading over right now to drop off the port o potty :Gonefishing: chair with bottom cut out and a grocery bag. I'm stoked for the weekend. I will be in search of two things. The elusive black bass and the Paw paw tree which I am told resides there. I will bring corn in case I catch no bass. If I do catch bass I will use the corn for carp fishing :roflblack:

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Well I hit the island today and brought my toilet with me. I hope it lasts :) it might just tear away with the next wind storm which better not be on Saturday.

Thought I'd carp fish a bit so I chummed the water and went for a walk to take some pictures.





After that I fished but the bloody boat wash just kept things rockin on shore. The River is a zoo on Sunday's but hopefully the morning will be real nice for a little pre breakfast fishing.

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im interested in going camping camping there. how many people are going? if parking is an issue where is everyone gonna park? iv never been there but looks like a god spot to go explore one day anyway. i have a boat but not sure if my motor will be running in time

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So we crossed at around 7pm on Saturday, Wind was very strong 30km+ luckily it was on our backs pushing us towards the island, Canoe fully loaded with cooler, tent, couple folding chairs, axe, dry food ect and it was no problem getting across, Set up on the island immediatly in a open southern spot and immediatly got the fire rockin, Wind kept up all evening and mosquitos had no chance, Not a bite all night!

We simply parked on the parkway in a very small lot right along the river, This specific spot was the only one without a "do not park from midnight till 6pm" sign so we decided to chance it, We figured hell if we get a ticket oh well give some money for the cause. Made sure the car had absolutely no valuables and away we went.

We did not bring fishing gear with us however in the morning we did see lots of big bass swimming very close to shore and what looked like a carp from the top.

During the middle of the night heard lots of coons duking it out in the forest behind us, None bothered us however.

Amazing views, Amazingly quiet and peaceful at night (parkways slow speed and no noise polluting 18 wheelers!) and if the wind wasnt so heavy you get a free fireworks show! What could possibly be better?

Upon returning to the car in the morning to our suprise no ticket! Probably just luck but there really is no other parking close by, Not sure how bad the ticket is if you do get one but I guess im chancing it until I find out!

We are going to try to make it out with you guys for the opening of bass season, Both of us are efficient in cleaning fish so if need be we can have a nice fish fry while we are at it!

Just a few pics.





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That place looks awesome! And it turns out that my weekend plans of going away are probably shot thanks to good 'ol work. ^_^ Depending on when I get outta there I might try to swing by saturday afternoon.

I've never been there or around there (Idon't think), so if someone could explain some directions to me like you're telling a 3rd grader I might be able to find my way out!!

It would be great to meet some of you guys seeing as how I haven't got out as much as I'd like and I didn't make it to the swill.

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Guest TC1OZ
That place looks awesome! And it turns out that my weekend plans of going away are probably shot thanks to good 'ol work. ^_^ Depending on when I get outta there I might try to swing by saturday afternoon.

I've never been there or around there (Idon't think), so if someone could explain some directions to me like you're telling a 3rd grader I might be able to find my way out!!

It would be great to meet some of you guys seeing as how I haven't got out as much as I'd like and I didn't make it to the swill.


Click on the picture for google directions. Type your address into spot A.

Seeing all these yaks making it across I think my tinny might make it! Perhaps I may join you guys for the bass opener!

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Canadian side :) about half way down the Island. As for the Island itself your going to have to beach it. There's a nice spot just around the corner on the US side.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry if necroposting is frowned upon here, but I would rather search for one thread with many responses than ask the same question over and over.

Friday July 15 is a full moon.

I can ferry a few people across or may even have an empty seat for fishing. Only two rods/fishers at a time for me.

I have a 16ft. 40hp aluminum boat.

Is anyone interested?

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