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Personal best smallmouth

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Went camping with my wife and her family this past weekend. Not a lot of fish, despite there being a lot of promising areas. Was getting nothing on a rapala, so I switched to the tried and true senko (my favourite bass bait). After a few seconds on the sink, this nice smallmouth took off with it. Didn't get a weight, and neglected to measure it, but definitely a personal best.


Got a smallmouth about half this size on the next cast. Got a few tiny perch and a sunfish on a microtube. This was the first day. Fished here and there the next few days and got nothing. Got really close to a loon out in the canoe. I had never seen a loon get that close. Might be because we were between it and its family. It was making a lot of noise.



Not a lot of fishing after that. Heat exhaustion = leaving early the next day, and sleeping for 15 hours.

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Beautiful fish!

I've had loons approach me before. If you're reasonably still (no loud noises or sudden movements) they'll swim right up to you. Seems they have a good measure of curiousity.

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