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Fishing Line Disposal


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I was thinking the other day as I was retying about how everyone disposes of their line while shore fishing. Do you stuff it in some sort of bag, put it in your pocket, shove it in your tackle box? We all know the issue with slob anglers leaving their line all over the place and I can guarantee much of their problem comes down to laziness. I will even admit, while I do dispose of all my line properly, it is sometimes annoying to find a place to put excess line without it getting in the way or becoming a tangled mess etc etc. So I did a little research and found this neat little tool. Has anyone used it? It seems like it would be beneficial for every angler to have...i know I want one!


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That is a really great idea, always looking for ways to get rid of the stuff. Down in Port today the son and I pulled in lots of this stuff, that were obviously snags from previous fishermenn, but where we were fishing there was a dumpster so that is where all the line went!

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Being a cheap bugger as well as a wooly one I took an empty 35mm film canister (free for the asking at Blacks), drilled a small hole in the top and then cut an X in the top as well, centred on the hole. Short pieces of line I just stuff in the hole, longer ones I stuff in the hole and then slip the tag end into one of the arms of the X so it doesn't spring out. When it's full or when I have a lot of line to get rid of I put it all in an clean empty cat food can, put the can on the side burner of the BBQ and melt it so birds don't get tangled in it at the dump.

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That is a really great idea, always looking for ways to get rid of the stuff. Down in Port today the son and I pulled in lots of this stuff, that were obviously snags from previous fishermenn, but where we were fishing there was a dumpster so that is where all the line went!

may not be the best i usually i put mine i a pop can which we always have and disposed it in my garbage. that way nothing gets tangle in it

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I have the problem when I go to re-spool a reel. I finally found the solution (as best there is one). I use an old screw in a drill to get the line off the reel, then I put a little tape around it (whatever's at hand, but masking tape seems to work the best), and toss the whole thing out. I doubt that little gizmo would hold a reel's worth of line, and if it did, I'd still have to empty it out.

My tape idea came because of my wife's cats. They love fishing line.

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I just wrap mine up into a big wad,tangle a bunch of other crap in it including those plastic rings from the 6 pack of beer I brought, then I toss it with the cans and my worm containers in a big pile on the bank somewhere :roflblack:

actually mine just ends up in my pocket and I toss it out at home, I bet I could check the pockets of my fishing coats right now and there is probably a ball of line in the pocket of one of them :)

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The handle of my tackle box is hollow. If I have a tangle I can't get rid of, when I cut the line out, I just stuff it in to the handle.

Out of sight out of mind. That is until I pass by a garbage can.

Further to DE talking about the screw in the power drill technique. If you ever need to unspool your reel and then respool with the same line, say if you put braid on your reel but forget to back it with some mono, not that I've ever done that...... I clamp a phillips head screwdriver in the chuck and then start spinning that drill. When its time to respool, I just put the drill on the floor between my feet and start reeling it back on.

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