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Dunnville ice fishing

minnow killer

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Your right Tommy. I didn't see anyone say it was a bad thing. It's just not the only place to access the Lower Grand or get good advice about the Grand River fishery. There's quite a few board members here from Dunnville who would likely help you via the PM and even meet you for a fishing excursion.

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Guest Pike212

Lol... there is sooooo much drama surrounding the grand. You can get on the grand for free by the dam or port maitland, both of which aren't very safe. You could get on by the bbq, but its a super long walk. Out of towners and occasional fisherman, just pay the $5!! It's really not that much and the guys gotta make a living too.

People like myself, a local who fishes 3-5 + days a week, just can't afford to pay $30/week + bait to go there regularly for an hour and a bit after work, it'd be a bloody car payment a month...so I may know one other spot to get on, and you couldn't pay me to tell anyone so I'd have to start parking a mile away and turn that spot into what bedimic harbor turned into on 77whatever main street.

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I don't know about that, he sent the whole world to Pleasant beach two years ago.

I'm just wondering why people only give ###### a hard time here . Any Tom, Dick or Harry can go can go to Fishing Niagara buy $3 worth of minnows and he'll put you on those same spots and does. Erie Traker the same thing. I think it's a joke you's all try to blame Steve for Pleasant Beach. That wasn't intended as a shot at Denis either both these guys are just trying to make a living but I think Steve gets the bad rap because he's not a board sponsor. Both these guys have personally put me on fish and to me that's what it's all about. When I first joined this board I learned so many new ways and places to fish. Waverly eyes (Denis), Lower grand eyes (######), Simcoe Perch (Sue Watson), Mouth of the Niagara Lakers all the different lower river drifts for Rainbows (Cliff), Moira Walleye (JWL) the list goes on and on and on. This site definitely made me a better fisherman with that being said. Who is Pike212 to question James (fishlips). I've fished with James many times and have been put on fish by him many times. I don't think he has his head up anyone's arse. This site has become such a joke all the pissing and moaning. Just a bunch of grown up big babies. Do everyone a favour and don't look a gift horse in the mouth someone offers to help put people on safe ice take the advice Man. What are you thinking telling people to try spots that look good off a Google map you'll be happy when a couple of kids give those spots a try and drown. I haven't fished Dunnville in a couple years but I do appriciate seeing a post where a guy is showing us safe ice.

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well said jmh both guys r tryin to make a living if they never helped people out on where to fish they be bankruped and fishlips is someone to listen to not to bad mouth. hes got lots of knolledge on the lower grand. with that said u guys can fish ware ever u want but im not gonna feel bad for u wen u fall through or get the carp kicked out of u fro tresspassing.

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I'm just wondering why people only give ###### a hard time here . Any Tom, Dick or Harry can go can go to Fishing Niagara buy $3 worth of minnows and he'll put you on those same spots and does. Erie Traker the same thing. I think it's a joke you's all try to blame Steve for Pleasant Beach. That wasn't intended as a shot at Denis either both these guys are just trying to make a living but I think Steve gets the bad rap because he's not a board sponsor. Both these guys have personally put me on fish and to me that's what it's all about. When I first joined this board I learned so many new ways and places to fish. Waverly eyes (Denis), Lower grand eyes (######), Simcoe Perch (Sue Watson), Mouth of the Niagara Lakers all the different lower river drifts for Rainbows (Cliff), Moira Walleye (JWL) the list goes on and on and on. This site definitely made me a better fisherman with that being said. Who is Pike212 to question James (fishlips). I've fished with James many times and have been put on fish by him many times. I don't think he has his head up anyone's arse. This site has become such a joke all the pissing and moaning. Just a bunch of grown up big babies. Do everyone a favour and don't look a gift horse in the mouth someone offers to help put people on safe ice take the advice Man. What are you thinking telling people to try spots that look good off a Google map you'll be happy when a couple of kids give those spots a try and drown. I haven't fished Dunnville in a couple years but I do appriciate seeing a post where a guy is showing us safe ice.

Well first off I don't know what your talking about. My problem is the exact opposite. Everybody talks him up and rightfully so. There's a couple bitter ones lately but for the most part the posts look more like commercials then fishing reports when it comes to the lower Grand but.......

I have to pay for this site out of pocket unless sponsors step up. I'm not paying for this site so you can come here and make Steve money. It's simply not fair to charge a sponsor to get what Steve was consistently getting for free. So lets get it through our heads; his name is Steve not #######. He's a great guy and will help you out but I maintain he is not the only one with knowledge on the Grand nor does he have a monopoly on access.

Steve doesn't get a bad rap because he's not a sponsor. He was welcome here until my many warnings wore my patients thin and banned him. Then I had to monitor the site every day because ####### commercials were being posted every day by new members to the board. Delete them and they'd re-register and spam the board some more. Big cat Ben was my favourite signing up 3 times in one day trying to push the envelope. Thanks to him we now put all new members on mod queu which isn't a very warm welcome for a new member but the childish games are very tiresome.

Do you see a trend forming here yet?

Your a joke if you think that's true. We've got a vigilant moderating staff and they come from all walks of life and outdoors interests. They don't let that crap happen anymore. This site has matured immensely and it's obvious you haven't done much reading in a along time. The soap operas were good for page hits but I don't approve of paying for a good fishing forum by letting crap go so web traffic increases. I'd rather have a board where guys can make friends, share setups, lobby for causes and organize as a community. There's a few mild rants that get let go but for the most part we shut it down quick. I've deleted about 100 members since I've bought the site because they just cant stop themselves from flaming or use the PM instead. There's a new feature at the bottom left of every post. If you don't like this post click the -1 and if you do click the +1 instead of flaming. After 20 guys click the same button it'll be obvious that comment wasn't kosher

You got some nerve suggesting I may have sent kids to their death. Read my post again! I asked if these were acceptable spots to enter "What about that little inlet/drain at the end of Niagara St?" I never told anyone to enter there. Seems to me if you follow the themes of the colour coding I used to address your post that comment falls right into the green department. Read the pinned post about before you go

The long and the short of it is if you don't like this site anymore then don't come back and the free advertising for ####### is never going to happen with of course the exception of this entire thread. In fact its become so personal with the 100's of hours I've spent fighting it that ######## could offer me 10 times the going rate and I'd still say no.

Hope this clears up any confusion about the site and why some people got banned. Now go :Gonefishing: and make some friends.

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