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Kids day at Windmill point


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What a beautiful day for a kids fishing day. Met up with Rick,Reg and flywire about 8:30 am at the park.Gates opened at 9:00 and there was a good steady stream of kids eager to wet a line. We processed their entries asap ,set them up with bait,gift bag and rod if needed and some instruction for the novice moms and off they went. Fishing was slow but it looked like all were having fun and thats what it is all about. It was worth it to see a 2 or 3 yr old catch thier first fish there was hay rides,facepainting,casting comp for the kids(I think Flywire won that) and chip or freezies.

Italo Labignan was there and chipped in with some gift bags as well ,and toured around and chatted up the kids and took some photos as well. As the afternoon progressed a few of us that had toured around early and picked out a few holding spots finally couldn't handle it any more and pulled out the rods. I took pleasure in twitching "Reg's crappie" away from his rig and onto my own . Reg hooked this huge bass but it broke him off, right Reg....Knot . Good thing that kid was there to show you how to tie a knot.LOL. I told you I would tell all.

All in all it was a great day and I hope tomorrow is just as good. Rick and the other groups should be commended for putting on these kids days. It's a lot of work but worth it in the end. Looking forward to next year. Remember tomorrow is mothers day, So please think of them even if they aren't with us anymore. Then take your kids fishing ....Thom

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Ill be out there tomorrow with one of my friends helping around and I will catch huge bass I saw. And in case anyone is wondering what I won in that casting comp it was a bird nest :blush:

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Guest fishstick
Remember tomorrow is mothers day, So please think of them even if they aren't with us anymore. Then take your kids fishing ....Thom


A very nice touch Thom. :D

Glad you and the guys had fun watching and helping the little ones. That's what it's all about....

Reg, we need to talk.... :blush:


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Guest Gill Finigan

It was a great day for the kids. I had a blast watching and talking with the young angler. I have a few pics posted on my site already. Now as for Thom's fish tales. My line broke and not a bad knot and i'm sticking to that story.

Before all the kids came in Thom and I went for a walk around the water. At one spot with some good structure I saw some nice Crappie holding and one huge slab. When i returned later in the day to wet a line and get some crappie, They were no where to be seen. For the simple reason Thom went before me and "stole" my Crappie. Now Flywires birdnest unspooling was all true and very funny.

See what your story telling has done Thom. Even "The New Guy" Stickyfish is picking on me. Did you measure the Crappie?

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I went out again today and managed to get some fishing in. No zany mishaps this time just lost a trout and watched a kid beside me catch it a few minutes later.

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Fish storys???? Fishermen never tell tales, you of all people know that Reg.I call em as i see em,and...I did have a seemingly reputable witness, right Rick.

I did measure them when I cleaned them at 14" and 13 " respectively ,they were nice white and firm, I mean the fillets of course. We took the crappie fillets along with the rainbow and did them in a foil tent with lemon and a little Montreal steak spice on the BBQ, Oooh they were so good. Can't wait to take the family back there for a day trip. Flywire I hope you had a better day sunday and redeem yourself with a big bass or trout. If you don't at least all the lures in your bag will get a good wash.LOL

I hope Sunday was as good or better than Sat. and the kids have a great time...Thom

..............P.S Reg , the boyscouts are holding a knot clinic this Friday, you should offer to be a guest speaker..LOLOLOLOL. Good fishing brother.

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Guest deerman

Well another great day for the kids. Lots of fun stuff for them to do and we even reeled in a few. My little guy and his Mom got a rock bass as soon as they drop a line in. (sorry to the people who made a little room for us.) Then after I got the wife and kids set up I tryed a spoon 4th cast I had a nice little trout on. Thank you to all that help. I think my wife is in for more fishing this year she had a reel good time too. Thank you to all who help with all the kids events on the weekend.

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