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Fishing In Dunnville


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I see lots of folks in lawn chairs along the shoreline near the restaurant and boat launch. everyone seems to be in that area. just head to the dam and explore the shore line on both sides is the best advice I can give.

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I'm from Dunnville...any day now the perch will start biting at the Port Maitland pier. In the river you'll mostly catch sheephead these days, but I see people catching suckers, oos smallmouth and largemouth, bullheads, channel cats, and the rare walleye on worms. White bass will bite right up by the dam, minnows under a float, or jig with a twister tail is your best bet for them.

Mostly private property both sides along the river, so one of the only free options are by the dam, however you'll have to fight through TO's Chinatown to get a spot there.

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Ya, even if you beat them to a spot they have no problem surrounding you, casting over your line and tryin to steal your catch right out of your hand. I wish I was joking but living 2 minutes from the dam I can never fish there unless the weather's really crappy, or a weekday if I'm lucky.

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This thread seems a little offside.When it comes to fishing it sounds like them versus us all too often. We should be careful not to go down the 'race' path. In real terms the waterway belongs to all of us. If the first nations were posting on this site I am sure we would all be described as people who have no problem taking over the local fishing hole. Considering the rich culture that so many people come from and the prominence of fish in many of their diets I have no difficulty watching the families all out together enjoying some inexpensive pastime. I have found most of the people I meet in situations like this to be very welcoming and open. Of course it is frustrating when anyone crowds around too close but a little politeness aimed at them goes a long way. It works the same with us.

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speaking for myself. I know which group of fishermen and the mentality of that group in question. Its sad to say but many Asians especially new Canadian Asians have not bought into the responsible anglers practices. On the other hand I know and like a bunch of Chinese and Koreans I regularily fish alongside with and have heard them openly say that they are disgusted by the practices of some of their countrymen. Its not their appearance or language in question. Its the ruthless and unresponsible manner in which they conduct themselves on the water. In many cases they have no idea that they are doing anything wrong. As far as Native opinions on how we have acted in irresponsible ways toward land and fisheries that were rightly theirs, that is regrettable and I see those actions in the same view as my Asian friends who do not condone the practices of other people of their race.

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