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Hard Times At The Whirlpool


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i was fishing at the pool yesterday and was a very off day for me. started off using a tube for bass bouncing it off the bottom for smallies. to my surprise i hooked into a musky which was only on for maybe 30 seconds and then spit he hook :( first musky ive ever hard at the end of my line haha

i later switched to a little cleo bouncing that off the bottom on a slow retrive and managed a smallie first cast. 30 mins later, my rod broke bringing in another smallie which was only maybe a pound. upsetting but walmart replaced it no questions asked which i really like about them. lucky for me tho i brought corn and my carp rod with me. around 7pm the carp bite exploded, so i set that up and cummed a bit. while down there i met nightenday and had a nice talk about recent catches and fishing spots. was a good time. first one i hooked into spit the hook, i didnt even know i had it on i was reeling in after a 30 min wait. second one made 2 nice runs. was about to grab the fish, and then it spit the hook again. 3rd one stripped my corn while i wasnt paying attention and i almost lost my pole... 3rd was a great fish. was atleast 20 pounds. some people i met down there come to help me net it, but the net was maybe half the size of the fish and this one managed to get away too. on my last bit of corn around 8:20 i cast and waited maybe 2 mins, bam! unfortunatly ill never know how big this one was. its first run took half my line.. as i was trying to make some distance it started another run and snap :wall: was a great day of fishing, seems like a bad day for me, regardless it was a beautiful day and i had a great time. met a few people from t.o that came down for some bass aswell. might be heading down tn again and actually get one on shore for a picture!

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