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Jonathan Webb

Dan Andrews

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Sometimes I get tired of volunteering because the same people keep stepping up to the plate and do all the work while others either go fishing or come collect the prizes. I have worked more events with Doc, Joey and Dan, Dagmar, Derek and Jerry and it was all for a good cause. I have never wanted recognition or thanks and I always hoped these people would have the opportunity to just participate in an event someone else had arranged. Even the volunteer appreciation dinners etc have always been arranged by the same core group of people.


It brought me great joy to see todays event unfold and many of the regular faces were there lending a hand but the brunt of the work was done by a new guy and his family that I hadn't heard of before todays derby. I'd just like to express my gratitude to a new faces on the scene and I hope you can inspire more people to take up a cause and see it through.

I appreciate what you did today much more than any personal best fish or rare catch. From another volunteers standpoint your ensuring the kids got a prize and an ethical conscience seems far superior to any full stringer of fish. There's no need to hold what you did today out at arms length for the photo. You earned my respect today big time for what that's worth.

A little warning. Once you make something good happen it gets harder to say no to doing more. Remember time for the family comes first and when it starts to feel like a job just say no and volunteer whenever you feel like it. Don't ever let yourself get guilted into it. For people who volunteer having a new face step up is a rejuvenating feeling that helps ease the burn out. I can't believe how much litter we got off the rocks today and if not for your leadership it wouldn't have happened.

Thank you and welcome aboard. Hope you and your family stay awhile :)

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I feel the same way Dan does....Jon, you did an awesome job. The way you made sure all the kids were rewarded was great. We need to inspire the younger generation that we not leave garbage behind.

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