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Great....now I will look even more stupid when I miss!!!

Realistically it looks like a great bench or tac rifle gadget but in real life hunting you generally don't shoot off a bench. I don't know how much it weighs but that much gadgetry on top of the rifle looks like it will seriously affect the balance of the rig and add substantial weight. Believe it or not, as ninepointer will probably agree, a lot of the "fun"in rifle shooting (on the bench but mostly in the field) is developing a load your gun likes - factory or handload - dialing the gun in and then learning the "art" of shooting. Learning the effects of parallax, wind drift, heat shimmer and learning trajectory curves for that load and adjusting for all of that. In the field, you rarely have a bench to rest on, generally field expediency is the rule - a tree, hasty sling, kneeling, sitting or just standing up on your hind legs. Then you have to hold the gun steady and squeeze the trigger properly. If the target is moving you have to estimate the speed, angle of movement relative you, the wind speed to perform the mental calculation necessary to get the right lead on the target. Get it right, make a good shot and clean kill..... it's a good feeling. It's a justification of the time, money and effort necessary to do things right. Let a computer - scope or otherwise - do it for you takes the skill and experience factor out of it and reduces the activity to a video game or mechanical action that I personally couldn't appreciate. If I wanted to avoid learning the skills necessary, I would just spend my time on the computer or game system and play a shooting game with an appropriate beverage nearby and basically do the same thing.

Just my opinion.

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It seems to me that the biggest impact of technology is that it "de-skills" people. I learned to use a bow in college. It was a simple re-curve with a sight. Practiced twice a week . Now a days what people use is a machine not a bow. It is arguable that they have taken the skill out of archery.

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I would have to argue with that. A crossbow is a lot simpler than a compound and the bottom line is that you have to know and understand your equipment in order to determine its and your limitations to ethically use it in a hunting situation. Modern crossbows properly rigged are capable of astonishing accuracy in some cases exceeding gun accuracy at comparable ranges. But like anything it has to be set up properly and you have to practice with it.

We had a group of people come out to one of our 3D shoots with crossbows. It was eye opening to see the low scores let alone the number of lost arrowxs from complete misses of the animal targets. You should see all the times I make a poor shot with my compound when I haven't practiced or fail to maintain proper shooting form.

It ususally boils down to lack of dedication to make yourself the best shot you can be so. Same as with a gun. Just a philosophical position on my part.

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I wish EVERYONE who ever touches a WEAPON ... has the:



Willingness to listen and Learn



That you show!


Weapons are simply -TOOLS.

Learn to USE them ...properly and show a great deal of respect.

And there really isnt a problem... is there

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