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How well do you know Niagara?

Guest chilli

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This should be an easy one. I had to crop a piece of the picture out as not to give it away too easy.. Here is a good spot to fish for Pike. I've fished here through the ice for perch. When you move to the current, the bass are plentifull and when you fish the shallows, the kids bobbers stay active. Pumpkinseed, crappy and rockbass keep them happy. My Father fell through the ice here because the current under the bridge continues straight out and erodes the ice from underneath.

A beautifull spot for most but a nightmare for others who have gotten snagged.

And there's your hint.


Where is this Bridge in Niagara?

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Guest vidarling

Nice contest! I look forward to future ones.

It is faywell for sure.

Does anyone know if you are allowed to fish there, I think there were 'no fishing' signs on or around there last time I was by. Would ice fishing still be allowed? haven't seen anyone hanging around on the bridge lately!

I have also heard rumors of there being muskie in those waters or one close by, any truth to that? anyone?

Good night


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Holy cow Rob! It took you 18 minutes!

There are signs posted there before the bridge. No tresspassing although it wasn't always that way. It used to be a nice spot to bring the kids and go for a walk when the fish weren't biting.

On the note of the nightmare for those who have gotten snagged, that is where some canoers and fishermen snagged up a piece of Leslie Mahaffy.

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the "no fishing" signs were there years ago.... actually, i only sen 1 and it was laying in the water by the fallen tree on the right hand side- can't fish in that opening now, used to be my fav. spot :D

We usually ice skate there, never seen anyone fishing it tho, but as i said to Tommy Niagara, would be a great place to ice fish, an dknowing it is fished by others is even better!!!

We were there last weekend and there were a few people fishing there :Gonefishing:

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Holy cow Rick! It took you 18 minutes!

There are signs posted there before the bridge. No tresspassing although it wasn't always that way. It used to be a nice spot to bring the kids and go for a walk when the fish weren't biting.

On the note of the nightmare for those who have gotten snagged, that is where some canoers and fishermen snagged up a piece of Leslie Mahaffy.


sorry i was so slow getting this one

ps: the name is rob not rick

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Sorry Rob. Edit made.

Hey Spanky, do you skate to the left of the brigde going in? I've brought the boys there before and by the time I finished clearing the ice, I'm too tired to join them. We only go there when the wind was wipped up while the water freezes because it is sheltered there and freezes flatter than most spots.


Here's the full picture. You can see the no tresspassing sign.

Did you know that when Paul Bernardo dumped Leslie's remains there, he tossed her in a very shallow location? I'm guessing to the right after the bridge because of the access to the water. Maby that's why the no fishing signs there now. They said that if he tossed the cement off the bridge, the remains might not have been discovered due to the deeper water. It was stated that he obviously wasn't familliar with the area or he'd know that.

I think the sick Basterd knew it was our drinking water. That's the way he thought.

On the same day that the Leslies body was found, Karla Homolka was married to Paul Bernardo in NOTL.

I haven't ice fished there for 10 or more years now. The lake or the marinas always produced better. Never heard of musky there either. Lots of pike 2 ponds down though.

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chilli- we head down that road and on the right hand side it "shallows" out in the corner and there's no current, we skate there.

i pulled my first and only Musky out of those waters in the spring using live minnows, about 8yrs ago, 14" maybe.... got a pick of him laying around the house somewheres :D

and 2 ponds down would be where? :Gonefishing:

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Guest Steelheader

I've been here before, but I didn't look around too much since there were no trespassing signs everywhere and access to the water looked tricky.

I did notice a nice spout of water pouring into the far side of the pond (left side as you're coming in, which would be the east side). I'm guessing there would be some bass around that current, but how do you get there?

Is it private property, or gov't land?

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there is indeed some very large muskie in that water! i personally have only caught pike and buckets but have had several muskie follows and one of them was in the 30 lb range, it was a pure beast as he jumped out of the water after my buzzbait and on the next cast he followed it in right to the boat, it was weird cause i said to my buddy that something was wrong because my buzzbait shouldn't be making that much of a wake and low and behold there was goliath about 2 " from the bait, i figured eighted him to death but he just came along side the bass tender and swam off. my friend said that's the biggest fish he ever seen and that we should get a bigger boat.lol. i seen at least 3 more in the 7-15 lb range. caught some nice pike with the biggest being 10 lbs. i think the lm bass are afraid of all those toothy critters swimming aroud because most of my fish came in less than 1' of water and right tight to the shore, fished a lot of the deep weeds and caught nothing but pike . i believe the no trespassing signs are there for a couple of reasons, 1. the police shooting range is close by. 2. there is a house on that road and people are stupid as usual and park on both sides of the street so they cannot get home without someone moving a car. and possibly these people have witnessed a lot of drinking parties and garbage being left behind and complained about it(i don't blame them either) I really don't think it had anything to do with finding that poor girls body. all i can say is that's too bad cause that is a nice waterway to fish from a canoe or small boat with an electric trolling motor.

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Guest Steelheader

Where is the police shooting range? That's odd, because there is a residence just past the bridge. If it was dangerous, then you certainly wouldn't want people living there.

I heard that the reason they shut this area down to the public was the fear of terrorism, since this is part of our water supply. You'll notice that just down Decew Rd. the little pond just below the spillway is also marked no trespassing (just on the south side of the road at Decew Falls...it empties through a culvert under the road into the Millpond.) It's not dangerous water...seems odd they would block off access.

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I do not still fish there because we are unwelcomed now. Too many abusers. I also don't ignore the no tresspassing signs anymore like I used to. I realized that just because I'm considerate and clean up after myself, that I'm not excemt. Besides the kids are ussually with me.

I think they do not want you in any of the ponds due to it being our water supply. I'd guess especially the last pond because any stirring up of the water there causes silt to lift. Notice how green it always looks. I don't know what they have planned for the future, but I hope they have some sort of strategy for the cities growth. As the city grows, water consumption goes up. Some day that waterway will be emptying itself out 100 times over. Then you'll see current.

As for the police shooting range, it is behind the third pond. It's address is actually on Cataract Rd. The road folds around behind the ponds so yes, fishing the backside of that pond may be dangerous. That's the first place I ever fired a rifle at about 7 years of age. Ya ....dangerous back there. Thats the shooting range the cop was shot at by another police officer and it was ruled accidental. The rumour mill (ussually very undependable information) said that the same cop was caught gettin with the other cops wife shortly before.

While touring the area, I found evidence of parties back behind the final pond. Garbage and bottles strewn around and firepits. Hopefully they didn't piss in the water! :P

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i imagine for the most part the no trespassing has to do with stirring up the bottom.

it is definately not terrorism related becuase a terrosist isnt going to look at the sign and say I BETTER NOT GO ANY FURTHER

Also its probably a matter of protecting that one stupid person from themselves. If its provately owned they can close it off all they want.

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