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Pike Flies/lures


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Wondering if anyone could recommend some pike lures that could be used on the fly. I spin fish all the time and now that I've found the pike this year I'd like to try my fly rod. No idea what to start with I have allot of flys and lures but I know what has worked for me is the daredevils and five of diamonds Williams wobblers. I also have floating line sinking line and sinking tip line. Id like to keep my retrieve 2-3ft under surface. Could I just tie these on the fly rod with a heavier leader of course? Anyways sorry to rant any help would be good.

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Wooley Buggers, Zonkers, Zuddlers and Dahlburg Divers (tie some a diver head in front of a Zonker strip and hold on). Clouser Minnows and Lefty's Deceivers also work. Essentially any pattern that can be used as a baitfish or leech imitation will produce. You can even tie "spoon flies" using various materials to mimic lures like the Daredevl.

Don't be afraid of using bright colours either: red and white, orange, yellow and flourescent colours are all productive (depending on conditions).

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Imitate the colors of your favorite hardware with bucktail or synthetic fibers. The latter will be better casting, more durable, and will sink better. Red and white, white and yellow, doesn't matter too much, possibilities are endless, but do try to tie some realistic flies, with a dark top, white belly, flash on the sides, and some pure blacks and pure whites, just in case. Look into tarpon flies. Ideally, you want it to PUSH some water, with a big hackle collar or flared deer hair head... will get attention. Add weight with metal dumbell eyes, though I prefer big flashy mylar eyes on my streamers. Tie with kevlar thread and lots of head cement for durability. Weed guards are nice so you can pitch them into lumber and lilly pads. My policy is to make them big and simple, so there's no pain when you have to break 'em off. Don't go crazy with the size, a 40" pike will in fact hit a 1" fly. I'd suggest a 7 wt in order to efficiently deliver a 5" bundle of fur and lead, and deal with potentially large fish in nasty surroundings. Start w floating line, if they won't come up or aren't basking on the surface break out the sink tip, or add lead.

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Netman, I think you once mentioned you hang around the Hammer. If you're interested in trying your hand at tying, hit me up. We can pay a visit to Fishing World and get you into a starter setup that should get you going. The basics don't take long to learn, and its cheaper than buying ready-tied flies.

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