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Niagara Bassmasters Club Elections

Rich Nagy

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Every one should be aware that a few spots will be open this year and a few committees need to be formed as well.

Club Elections will be held at our next Club Meeting Wednesday November 10, 2004.

The positions with in our club are:

President - open position and ready for nominations

Vice President - Currently held by Rich Nagy

Treasurer - Currently held by Gerry ( and probably should stay that way for as long as he will keep the job! )

Secretary - Currently held by Ivo Coia

Tournament Director - Currently held by Dan Pozzobon

Youth Director - Currently held by Jim Pozzobon

Conservation Director - Currently held by Mike Slovak

Media Director - Currently held by Steve Hawrylyshyn

( God, I hope I didn't miss anyone here! )

Other annual activities will have be considered for Commitees.

1) Trout Open

2) Niagara Open

3) Help a Child Smile tourney

4) entertainment ?

Guys, what is important is that we maintain a strong club here, there may be many more pssibilities here and I want all of you to give this some thought.

Over the past few years we have done some incredible things, and it is my hope that we all continue in this direction.

The idea to form committees actually comes from many of you over the past year, along with the reallity that many of the annual activities need a few people to pitch in.

I think we have some wonderfully talented people in our group , and I know that with your contributions ( effort / involvment ) we will continue to grow and improve.

I personally will not be seeking re-election for next year, It has been my honor to work with all of you, it has been a fantastic growing experience for me, and I thank all of you for that opportunity. I will continue to be a strong/very active club member of this club, and look forward to working with the new President whoever it may be. I will ensure a smooth transition and do my best to assist the new positions with all aspects of my prior role including accompanying the new Prez to the OBF Steering Commitee meeting and AGM.

I hope many of you will take the "leap" and step up to fill some of the positions that may open up, as well as the much needed committee positions that will be newly created.

Remember, this club will only be as strong the effort we put into it. We will only get out of our club , what we put into it.

Please give some thought to the positions, and whom you would like to see in that role, Our club elections are a very important part of the club, they set the direction, tone, and personality of our club.


See you at the meeting

Al Gorrie

President Niagara Bassmasters

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