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A Little Update


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Hey guys,

Haven't been on much lately, been really busy with work and whatnot. Amongst the bussy-ness, I have still been able to get out for some fishing! angel.png

All start at the day after Bass Opener when I landed a PB bucketmouth. This is at a local lake, that is not named, and know one knows about it, yet it is on public property. Kinda weird how isolated it is from the nearby civilization, I haven't even seen signs of other people around the area (garbage etc) so its a nice getaway close to home. Caught this guy close to dusk, flinging a fly (egg sucking leech) and it was quite the fight on a little 5wt, with a 4lb test leader. Especially when it goes straight into the slop and you gotta pull it out LOL. Anyways here is the picture of this big fella. Didn't have a scale or tape measure on me.


Next up, was a little brookie trip on a cool day. Woke up late but still managed to be on the stream by 8 am, water temp 68, perfect, walk down stream a bit, and what do I see.. 20-30 cut up brookies, Bigger sizes to, quite a few 10 inchers. Disgusting that people would think this is okay on these small streams, considering the legal limit is 5 per person, I couldn't imagine 6 people fishing in this stream together at the same time..


Anywho, after seeing that I decided that the stream had seen enough pressure, and I moved on to another, less productive stream. This is my first year of targeting brookies and I enjoy every minute of it, From crawling through thick bush, to seeing them dash out from underneath the bank to smash the spinner, its all a thrill. I went 6 for 9 in 2 hours, and even found a spot with enough room to toss a fly. Had to keep one due to an extremely deep hooking, but all other were released unharmed. Here's a quick picture of the first one of the day..


Now, I recently have taken up fly tying. I just want to give a quick thanks to a local guy who gave me some great materials at insanely low prices. He has tons of extra material and he's always looking to sell some, so if your interested lemme know and I will give you his contact info. Anyway here are my first few ties, if people could chime in that would be greatly appreciated, need to know what mistakes I'm making or any suggestions.

First Tie

Cone Head Wooly Bugger


#2 Clouser Minnows. (Been slaying Grand River Smallies with these)



#3 Foam Ant? Didn't really follow any pattern just tied up mquickly before a panfish outting. Sunnies smashed it all night.


#4 Little Minnow Imitation, Don't really know a name as i just tied off the top of my head.


#5 Bass Popper (so far only sunfish been hitting it.)


And that's all for now, in the mean time I will be on the water, and tying flies. If you have any tying recommendations for my flies, or even suggested patterns that I might wanna try I'd love to hear em, Thanks!

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Yes, fantastic report...congrats on the nice bass and brookies!!! Ive been doing well myself on grand river smallies on a simple olive coloured rabbit strip minnow pattern..No big ones for me so far...but theres big ones in there because ive seen them. Again, very nice report.

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Great report and nice looking flies for a beginner. On the wooly bugger try to run the hackie straight up against the cone then tie it off with about four to six tight wraps and whip finish keeping the thread tight against the cone.

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