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Brook Trout Flies?


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be more specific- on the dry not matter when if you have a 12-16 size elk haired caddis--brookies love em..--blue winged olives(mayfiles) are a delight as well.. as far as subsurface--pt nymph or hairs ear will rock the underworld


Brook trout are so much more aggressive than brown. Anything during a hatch will be good. When no bugs are on the surface, try a small natural wet fly


I just match the hatch.. Whatever the hatches are bring those flies and have a blast..


This late in the year I am thinking cicada?

Probably only because its august.

Any thoughts?


if thier is long grass or trees on the bank --try hoppers, ants and spiders..also toss some floatant on boatment and hang on for the ride


PT and hare's ear nymphs. Coachman patterns, dry and wet. Smaller muddler minnows. Ants and hoppers too. Stimulators in various colours. And caddis larvae.


They will hit anything pretty much Go with brighter colours and size 12-18


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