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Fish Dawg: Great find I hope Bigfish reads it and maybe put a few of those points in our sign for port just change steelhead to salmon,browns and rainbows. I like the wording on the ethics part and asking to fish here instead of just stepping in. good find Fish Dawg :Gonefishing: Rob

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As well as common sense and respect for wildlife. Sorry slyatv but it seems the new breed of angler has no respect for the pastime that pleasures them. Maby they think that they're going to be restocked anyway so who cares if they survive. I doubt a sign will change their behavour because fish kicking and not sharing the water is just something that is so obvious and it's just plain stupid to do otherwise. I agree the sport is in a sad state when you have to erect a sign on basic manners. It's like putting a sign by your table in a restaurant asking you to please not spit on the floor.

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Well I look at it as education and this area needs alot of it to insure this area is allways here and I don't think signs will hurt as long as we don't get our painters down there defacing them or guy's thinking who do we think we are and rip them down but thats were the angler's come in and speak up but not to the point of getting into a pissing match, they can say that this area is our area and if you don't abide by some simple rules or suggestions then LEAVE. So lets try and let this happen with NO COMPLAINTS and make this a better place to fish and insure this area for our future. Rob

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Guest Steelheader

That's a good site. The only thing I disagree with is the part about snapping your line when you foul hook a fish. I can understand that being preferable in tight quarters in small pools with lots of fellow anglers around, but in general I think it's better to bring the fish in as quickly as possible and free it from your hook. Otherwise you have lots of fish swimming around with drift rigs hanging off their fins, and that isn't cool either.

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