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Guest fishstick

I'll be bringing Boston, and I asked faucherj who we met at Rameys Bend today to come out.

See you guys there....

IBC, I haven't renewed mine yet either, but I need to by the end of the week.

Actually, it's too bad we couldn't have a few shots of Ouzo there and shout out OFAH!!!


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sorry man i couldn't make it..

but i promise next meeting i'll be there....

what about wifes

or is it just a guy thing..?

oh yeah and i was wondering how much the membership is...

thanx again

Wives are more than welcomed at the meetings. Memberships are $20 for single, $25 for family. (don't quote me, might be $5 more each. Chilli, are these prises right?)

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Guest fishstick

Not a problem Jacques. I think Doc is pretty close with the prices.

What I found interesting is that the guy from the O.F.A.H shook my hand, and told me that he had read what we did for the last swill on Saturday....and he's from Peterborough.

I think it's amazing how many people read our posts, and we have no idea that they even exist....and they appreciate what we have accomplished.

Small world....but it kinda makes us all feel that much more important.

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Finally got a minute. Tonight is the Fort Erie meeting so I'll be busy again tomorrow, whew! :(

Tommy has it right on the head- $20 and $25 (no additional charges for each family member) and there is also a huge discount this year on the ramp pass for members which more than pays for the membership as well as the extra months advantage on the spring derby. Tommy we're going to arrange another membership committee meeting soon and I think you should come. Any other members who want to jump in and have a beer are welcome too. We don't supply the beer :P Orriginally we capped it at 6 guys but are now willing to deviate. Will try and set a date soon.

The OFAH I was dissapointed in their presentation. They seemed to have gotten hung up in the regulations reviews and at times I wasn't sure whether they were doing a pitch for the OFAH or the MNR. I discussed this with them and the Zone J rep, Felix Barbetti agreed to come in the near future if requested to fill you in on the total scope of the OFAH. I have a their book called the 2005 anual review. I requested that they make this accessable to all the public on their web site and not just in the members area. R.J.Degroot agreed to try and have it put up. After reading this book I was surprised at how deep this organization actually goes. I also can't believe that there are any anglers or hunters that are not a member OFAH. The affiliated clubs will all have a copy of it for you to read if you wish and if the Fort Erie club has an additional copy, I will make mine available to the St Catharines Game and Fish for your viewing.

I'll give you the heads up if it comes available online or otherwise. After reading this book I came to realize how much power and influence the OFAH have. They infuriate the anti hunting movement and in some cases outrank the MNR in politics. They've had a hand in the demise of the lead tackle ban and hopefully soon the long barrel registry and spring bear hunt. I'm telling you guys if your not a member or haven't givien them a look, you really should. I will renew my OFAH membership first before renewing any of my club memberships in the future.

Go to their website http://www.ofah.org/ and sign up for their E news updates and stay informed on what they do. Last year they sent out 60 alerts and I'm now getting between 3-5 a week. I sure hope the SCGFA decides they want to be part of this organization.

Hey at the meeting I mentioned a couple of partnerships the MNR are looking for. This is something the SCGFA needs to get back into. The Atlantic salmon restoration project in Lake Ontario sounds interesting but the Navy Island thing is right up our ally. A monthly meeting and Kids day won't cut it for most new members so why don't some of you guys look into this stuff. Just call the MNR (not Anne Yagi) but the office and express interest. Perhaps we can do some work on the erosion problems in the 20. The fish ladder in Dunnville only ran at 89% up time which means there were a few dates open for the guys to drive up and count fish. I'll put out an invite for a visit this year when I work the ladder and have the Grand River Conservation Authority give you a run down.

One more thing about the SCGFA. Thanks for coming Boston :worthy: . As you can see the SCGFA is doing a Hulk Hogan after hanging by a thread over the dissolving pool. Hopefully you will have a part in bringing it back to par with the other clubs if not one better. Thanks to you and at least 2 other new members who made the meeting and for speaking up. It was obvious the MNR and OFAH have not been hearing all sides of the story which is why it is important for us all to speak up when asked our oppinions. See you guys on March 27th if not before. Remember Dagmar needs a few favours. Give her a call and read the news letter. B)

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Guest Bubba14

And, if there is anyone out there who wants to join the OFAH or even if it is time to renew the membership, log on to the OFAH web site, and on the right side of the page you will see the TV offer. Look into this, it is a great deal. The rod and reel would be fine for a kid somewhere...

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