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Launch Fees


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Just wondering if anyone knew what the fees were to

launch from the city's boat launch in Port Colborne.

I heard it was $7 each time or $70 for the year.

:lol::lol::lol: You gota be kidden nobody is 7.00 last year they were 10.00 not sure on the pass Catfish
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Careful with the yearly pass. It will be for one vehicle one boat. Me and my buddy thought about it last year but the pass could only be attached to one vehicle for one boat. Me and my buddy each own a boat and share the driving depending on what kind of fishing we were going to do. You can not move the pass back and forth between vehicles. In our case we would have had to get two yearly passes one each.

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Wow thanks GAM I was in port today and thaught about getting it but hesitated.

That sucks cause I'm keeping the boat at my in laws in port and my father in law

wanted to use the boat when I am unable to. Thanks much for the heads up. :blush:

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This one should be a no brainer guys. Here I'm not fishing today Dad, take my launch pass with you instead of buying one yourself. The Game & Fish Association needs the money made off the launch to survive. We are non profit volunteer organization guys so by purchasing a ramp pass or paying the fee your not only recieving a service but supporting the club. However if one likes the idea of purchasing a pass that would cover multiple boats as long as the owner of the pass is on board, run the question past one of the executive to bring to the meeting. Maybe for a price they'de consider it for next year. Linda at the ramp is an exec as well as Fishstick and Feelgood. The club and it's guidelines are yours to change. All you have to do is join and get involved.

:worthy: Thank You for those who do support the SCGFA by using our ramp. :D

P.S Gam. It would probably make more sense for you to buy a yearly pass for the boat you do most of your fishing from. Pay the launch fee for the other unless the number of launches in both boats would each exceed the cost of a ramp pass. In that case 2 ramp passes still saves you money. This is the main reason most buy a ramp pass in the first place. Tight lines ......... catch the winner!

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Chilli I was talking about the Port Colborne ramp. I'm all for paying launch fees certainly at well maintained convienent ramps like the St. Catharines one. You are right you have to weigh the expected times you are going to launch compared to buying the yearly pass. My point is if you are not allowed to change vehicles with it as in Port Colborne it may not be worth purchasing the yearly pass and just pay as you go.

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Chilli I was talking about the Port Colborne ramp.

Same here :) And no I don't have a prob with paying to launch

when the $ goes to a good cause like the SCGFA. As far as I know the $

in PORT COLBORNE goes to the city. Sorry you miss read the post chilli.

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Hey guys, unless things have changed in Port Colborne since previous years the season pass for the boat ramp is a sticker that goes on the trailer. In the previous years I have had no problems using diferent vehicles to launch my boat there.

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:lol: Yes misread I did. Midnights. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :D . I know I saw Port in the post somewhere :lol::o .

The Town used to run Crystal Beach but finally had to admit they don't know how to run a bussiness and reap a profit so abandoned it. They want someone to run it and give them a cut. It's a great location and add a little pop and bait and it could be a profitable venture but now that it's free I feel sorry for the troll who tries to ask for a toll now.

Sorry for the confusion ;)

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