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whirlpool Report Thursday


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Landed 2 lake trout(8lb and 4lb) and surprise to catch a 2 lb bass, all were caught from 11:00am-1:00pm, I was at the whirlpool by 6:30, no catch and no one on site. The fish did not fight hard this time and were caught close to the shore but down below. I use spoon for the trout and white grub on jig for the bass. Very hard to control the lure action of letting it drift close to the bottom this time of the year due to the current moving so fast.

The water has gotten warmer, saw school of fish the size of 1 1/2 lb but not sure what were they, they have light grey colored bodies with orange fins and tail. All swimming and hovering close to shore.

I also saw a 3' and 4 footer musky on different occasion swimming close to the shore line but will not take my lure.

The Lake trout and carps were aggressively coming up the water. By 1:30pm everything gotten calm

Two more weeks and the trout will be heading home. I guess the water is colder this time around than the same period in the previous year due to our consistant colder spring temparature, therefore the trout were still in the area.

I will try to aim for the carps next thursday.

Anyone having any luck in the area as well this time of the year?

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Hello Odysseus,

You seemed to be right, it looks like Rudd fish though I have not landed one and see its body or scale, they seemed to be comouflaging and not too easy to spot except for their orange fins and tails, their bodies seemed to be translucent when seen from the top. The water was very clear, using polarize sunglasses, I can see all kind of fish swimming near the shore, I can't help but notice them for they were a bunch of them swimming close to one another, and just 5' from me, not even scared when I tried to put my lure close to them. I assumed they were bass at the beginning until I saw the colors on their tail.

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the schools of fish might have been red horse suckers..there are lots of them in there at times...as for the lakers and stuff...those trout live in there I think same as lots of the big steelies.. but move out to really deep when the water gets too warm...I have fished in there for years and years..there are lots of fish in there at times..just gotta experiment around in different spots to figure out some of the drifts in there..there are tons of huge carp in there too...when the fishin is really good its one of those wall to wall people spots though..lol.never know what you are gonna get out of there...saw an oriental guy catch a huge channel cat in there before..like probably over 30lber..using a piece of line tied to a pop can..hook sinker and worm..lol..lots of smallies in there in the summer...trout all year..salmon in the fall..you name it if it swims in the great lakes its probably in there at one time or another..lol..bring lots of tackle..that place is good for about 25-50 bucks worth of you lures every time..lol..best times now are probably the really early morning while the water is down...then a while after it goes up to full capacity for the day..during the rise and fall of the water..the fish in there always seem to be unsettled as it adjusts...it can be worth the hike for sure..biggest fish I ever hauled out of there was a 42lb chinook back in the 80's

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