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Saturday morning's trip


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I had the pleasure of joining one of our members out on the big pond for some bass fishing. It was a bit windy ( good thing or would have died from the heat) but his big boat handled the chop quite well. We tried many areas and many different depths, but most times the bottom was slime covered, which wrecked havoc with the tubes.

Lesson 1. Check your line.

Lesson 2. Check your line.

We had no hungry bass for most of the morning, and with my time running out, we ran closer to the launch ramp. Here's where the real schooling began. We came up on a shoreline and I was tossing X-raps, Frenzys and some top water stuff. I decided to switch up to one of my partners favourite baits. First toss....you guessed it, a bass. Not a monster, but a bass nontheless. Score card.....me-1, boat owner-0. A little further up, the guy with the foot controls says, "do you see that bass chasing minnow? " He made a few valiant attempts to entice that bass. Then the teacher makes a cast, you guessed it, a bass. Neither of my fish were huge, but they were my biggest from a boat.

It was a great day to be out with a good buddy, even though his boat squished my boys. Maybe next time, he can show me how to fish.


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:lol::lol::lol: Ya and who WERE you out with :o There are only a few around that have a big boat and that know how to let the student do the catching,even when he points out a fish chasing the bait and allows the student to take a crack at it :o It's to bad that the boy's got a little bumped up but thats what happens sometimes when you go out with one of the best. ;)Catfish
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:lol: one of the best? best at what? :o bs ;) there's only one big boat i know of that gets skunked on a semi regular basis :lol: i had my boyz busted as well in the "big boat" a few years back, they still ache :o you guys should have stayed in the breakwall, lots of fishes to be caught :o Rob, shouldn't you be in jordan today??? B) see ya tomorrow nite for another skunking, and it might be me as well :o:lol:

ps, i hate jordan! ;)

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Guest Rob D

see you all at jordan tomorrow i am sure i will get my ass kicked by my dad but it has to happen to someone good luck and see you at the launch ramp

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