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Warning to Queenston fishermen


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I know I haven't been around here in a long time but

I thaught I would give you all a heads up. My buddy and I went

to Queenston today parked in the upper lot then wlaked toword the

power plants after about an hour and a half we decided to go try the

dock area.

When we came back to pass my car my back quarter window was

busted out on the drivers side. I drive a 2 door car so if they were trying

to steal out of my car I dont know why they would bust the small back window

because you would need paris hilton to get through there.

Nothing was stolen but there is evidence that other cars have had there

windows popped in the past weeks, since there are piles of glass around the lot.

There was a few piles of window glass on sunday and a couple of new ones this

morning. Anyways I know this has happend in past times but I thought

I would let all of you know that it is happening again so keep your eyes open for

anyone lingering around. You may see more of me since I can hit the water again

more often with this being my down time of the year. Thanks Again Dave

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thanks for the heads up I am sure some guys will appreciate it for sure, seems that problem was going on earlier in the season as well. sorry you found out the hard way.

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sounds like its time for people to start hiding out in the trees with a baseball bat.....or some form of paintball gun with the pressure cranked considering getting hit by one of them would stop anyone after a few shots

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I am sorry to hear of your mishap, for it can happen to anyone these days, and whenever I park my vehicle in that area, I would not be surprise if one of our car is busted in as well. It is happening everywhere in Toronto and vicinity, few are being reported, but the police will not make this type of crime a priority these days, assuming our insurance will pay for it.

My business was broken in two years ago and since we just moved into a new premises on a second floor, our insurance had laps and we were still searching for a new quote, but due to bad timing, we lost $xx,xxxx. valued at $xxx,xxx. To rob a second floor is not easy, but anything can happen. This is the second robbery in 5 years that happened to us. My Life has never been the same since then, and my perception of Toronto as a good place live is gone.

I felt for you on this holiday season, but by you reminding us that no one is vulnerable, we can only pray and try our very best to prevent this from happening, especially avoid any visbile items on our vehicle.

Should you report it to the local police just so they can keep track on the numerous crime happening in that area?

Thanks for warning us once more!

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OK I feel like deleting some posts so how about you guys tell us what you would do if you caught these low life losers in the act? ;)

:) Ooops no don't tell us there might be kids here! I know what I would do. I wonder what windsheild glass tastes like :P

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after a day of fishing on the river today I went up to the upper lot to go to the bathroom and seen your car window busted. This really pisses me off, I did not see anyone around, and if I did oh man I don't know what I would have done cause I am still waiting to catch this guy cause my car was busted into up there in Nov /04 and had $3000 worth of stuff stolen. I feel your frustration man and just be thankful they weren't smart enough to bust the front. If someone on here catches this person teach him a lesson he will never forget. Thank you!

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Guest fishstick

I'll guarantee you that it's someone who either lurks this site, or a little bastard that lives in the area.

Forget about a setup....they'd be wise to it and it'll never take shape.

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Guest cplummer

A few of us talked about hiding and catching them last year and actually did one day but no-show... may be time to try again...my camera has a 12x zoom so i don't need to be close and let the cops deal with it.. LOL


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Thanks guy's I wish we did catch them but it might

be a good thing that we didn't with the ways the laws are ;)

and a cliff being so close. No we didn't call the police because it

would'nt have made a differance. Because it isn't priority anymore

to report vandalisim,even though a new window would have cost me

330 to$430 and my deductable for vandalism is $500 luckily I found

a deal. One day they will get there own, I just hope who ever gives

it to them dosn't get in trouble. ChrlieD you may not have seen my

car but maybe another? I left around noon and there were 2 trucks left

of the 3 when I got there and one which had just arrived. The 2 trucks that

had been there were fine (no tinted windows) so I'm guessing they probably

saw there was nothing to steal. By the way my buddy caught a nice male

bow about 8 to 10 lbs.

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Guest Bubba14

No matter what happened, where it happened, or if anything was stolen, it is always best to report it to the police. If you don't, they will have no idea what is going on and won't step up patrols in that area. I just happen to have an 'in' with the police and will pass the word along.

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1.m 38 now & when iwas 18 I had my truck broken into in the same spot,its been going on for awhile.Its just a matter of time before somebody gets caught.I have a buddy who is a parks cop & they patrol that area,but its back to that old saying,right place at the right time.My 2cents

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