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Fish catch limit- US OR CANADIAN catch limit?


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Are we allowed to bring fish across the border? We are normally not allowed to bring meat or fruit across.

Here are somewhat trick question:

1. Are we bringing our Canadian Fish catch limit or US Fish catch limit?

2. Are we allowed to set foot on the shoreline on either countries just for a pee?

This question might sound stupid but just wondering if one can get away with it:

If we fish on a boat, and caught fish from the US side of the river, and also caught fish from the Canadian side as well, when being confronted by the MNR officer, Can we justify that we caught our US limit and bringing fish back to Canada and in addition to our Canadian limits? We own both country's fishing licenses. For those who chose to keep their catch, it seemed to be a valid argument.

We normally catch and release our catch, and we are not that lucky catching a lot of fish in one day, so this will not be an issue for us.

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those are good questions for sure..as far as landing on shore for a "pee" pretty sure you are NOT allowed to do that with out going through the proper customs channels, neither Country can "land" in the other with out legally checking in with customs...as for bringing fish across the border..I think any issues would only apply if you got the fish on inland bodies of water..there are a few issues out there pertaining to VHS and the transportation of fish right now and someof the states have different rules governing this as well......as for the liscence question..and your keep limit's..i am not sure how that would work for sure..but perhaps a few of the tourney guys may be able to give you a perspective on this as well...many of them fish in US waters and bring thier fish back to Canada for weigh in...but it was also suggested by someone from the Lake Erie Management Unit that spoke at a meeting pertaining to VHS issues that perhaps you would not be able to do that this year either....but it was however argued about the fact that the fish in question would have came out of the same body of water in the first place, and that should not be an issue pertaining to "the infected zone" Good questions for sure, I am curious to see what kind of input we get on this one

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They have temporarily lifted the ban on transporting fish across the state/provincial line on the same body of water. This means that all the tournaments planned this summer should have no restrictions.

Here is the story http://www.aphis.usda.gov/newsroom/content.../vhsfedor.shtml

I agree with Captn. If you happen to have a cottage in the U.S. then you could have your possession limit in the freezer over there and your possesion limit in the freezer over here but you could never more than 6 fish in the same boat or in the same country.

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