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Gill Finigans... closing


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with the recent news of Gill Finigans closing i felt it appropriate to make a post thanking them for their friendship and service over the last 3 years... prior to the shop opening i was just getting back into fishing, i learned alot from both of them and with their help and knowledge i was able to find some easier/safer spots for the wife and i to do some fishing together and just spend more time together-- most important thing!!... they helped me kick start my small business i have going and provided me with some great contacts in the area, can't thank them enough for that!!

It's gonna be sad to see them close up, but it's obviously the best thing for them at this time, i know myself and quite a few others are hoping to keep seeing ya'll around the rivers/lakes, doing tourneys and just enjoying the sport... the closure of the shoppe is gonna hurt a few people, as they've donated/helped alot with the charity events in the area, kudo's to them on that aswell

Of course there's many more things i'd like to say here, but i've bored everyone enough as it is lol

So thank you Reg and Lorna, for your great support you've shown my wife and myself, it's much appreciated and hasn't gone unnoticed!!

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Well Niagara Falls must not have any fishermen. They have no sporting club either unless you count the Bowman club on Sodom.

Sorry to hear your closing folks. I don't expect to hear any less from you here though.


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Ive said it before and I will say it again...It was these guys that started me out with basically everything I have now and got me hooked on fishing...no pun intended It's sad to see them go...I dont have anywhere to go now to get abused and harassed about catching the boombox which they have a picture of.

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Guest Rockfish

I saw that u were a very good customer of them Fly, from that suitcase (huge tackle box) full of lures I saw u with that day. :D

Also sorry to see the Finigan's close up.


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I dont have anywhere to go now to get abused and harassed about catching the boombox which they have a picture of.

I plan to keep the picture. I'll miss abusing you about the boom box but it makes one helluva story to tell......

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Guest cplummer

i will certainly miss reg and lornas store.. but i sure got alot of stuff CHEAP this week :-)

get er while it's hot sales!!!


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definately gonna suck without their store, but i still look forward to seeing both on the water real soon! and we will have to find a place to put charlies picture with his prize catch somewhere haha

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