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cdnfishguy11 last won the day on March 22 2014

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About cdnfishguy11

  • Birthday 11/27/1992

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  • Location
    St. Catharines
  • Interests
    centerpin/fly fishing and fly tying

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  1. Who wants to fish ny on sunday ? The question is steelies or natives... Cc? What are you up to?
  2. A few smallmouth streamers And more PIKE!!!!
  3. this thread died out more pike flies!
  4. 3/0 Saltwater hooks! More colours to come !
  5. http://flymart.ca/default.aspx?ctl=ctl_ec_product&category_id=170&product_id=2283 its an excellent product. I use the large size on my long pike and musky streamers.... not even those fish tear them apart. As far as local retailers..... there is one store in kitchener that has some stock every once and a while but Ive never had any luck with them.
  6. and one for the steelies cause were not quite done with them yet
  7. right on! that looks killer. heres one of my go to bass bugs...
  8. Sounds good to me
  9. and yeah purple and white is a sweet colour combo! I have a bunch of natural Turkey. lt is black with a green hue, I normally tie them with just a touch of white! Its a full out assault on the brookies this spring! I got a sweet new 4wt this season
  10. Yeah that was me in the pic....l coppied the wrong link on my tablet!
  11. Love to see you back Cornelius! here is a little steamer I've been tying lately! It's basically just a black ghost style streamer but with all Marabou. And with Negative colors just for fun! Can't let the teenage girls have all the fun with the effects filters. I have tied this in sizes 4 to 10, and in a plethora of different colours.
  12. I was talking about the 1st one you posted... now that I look again it might be elk?
  13. Another forum I belong to has a flies of the month thread that is almost all pics... would this be a good idea? I think I would rather perfer individual threads, that way we can have more conversation about each flies. Plus it makes it easier for all of us to reference back to later but thats only my opinion ... what does everyone think? Also... beauty deer hair dry fly! I got a couple like that Im happy to share when I tie more:)
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