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Everything posted by мормышка

  1. Even though I don't have picture, I have story from this morning. Was casting top water around mainly for bass. Had pike hit very close to shore, Had it on for 5 seconds. Had weight to it. I didn't expect it and didn't get good hookset. So I kept on casting the area, went back to same spot. Fish hit again a bit further out and was able to bring it in. Felt heavy and made good runs. I got it to shore. For sure solid 5 lbs. I was ready to take picture with it in water on shore. Would have made nice picture with lure in mouth. But it did a flip and unhooked leaving me with face wet. At least I saw it and clean release. I don't like handling pikes and muskie by the way. 😝
  2. Now I would think in fly fishing you would not "match the hatch" (because of how many of these there are) but throw something similar but different to stand out. Then I hear trout can be very selective and only take what is active. I guess that's why there are so many flies to choose from.
  3. Bleeders are usually keepers. Especially from the gills. It may take off, but good chance it'll go belly up in an hour (if bleeding doesn't stop at release).
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  5. Ice fishing season has been too much up & down with weather to get into the groove. Hoping for a much more colder 2021.
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