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knightfisher last won the day on May 30

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About knightfisher

  • Birthday 01/31/1913

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    Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing and be happy-World Economic Forum

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  1. Bought a deep cycle from Costco five years back and sill working great. Supplies 5+ hours for my Minn Kota Max 40. I'm always moving around so the battery is really being tested.
  2. Anyone fishing with all this heat. What are you targeting. Fishing from shore or a boat. I've tried a few evening for pike, but guessing they are hiding deep.
  3. When I fished that stretch guess I was not lucky enough to find those holes.
  4. Water being shallow and very little current in this stretch, you can expect to being in this stretch for about four hours or so. If using an electric, you will make it quicker, but make sure to have it sitting high so it's not bouncing off the rocks. Don't know what you are after, but I have launched in Dunnville in my canoe and fished near the dam and caught every kind of fish there and including what comes in from Lake Erie .
  5. New regulations being published this week by our environment monkey will effectively end sales of new passenger vehicles powered only by gasoline or diesel in 2035. This is so much bs. There will be a two tier system. The fools on the hill know that. No way E.V. trucks will be able to plow highways and other functions. Imagine being in a useless ev on the highway in the middle of a snow storm where all traffic is stopped. How long will that battery keep one warm and running....lol. Electric firetrucks....that sounds promising..... How will these batteries handle driving in the summer months with the AC on. Other sites have posted the ill effects of sitting on a massive battery and the effects on the body. Hydrogen cars and trucks are being developed, however for some reason, the technology is slowly being developed, instead of fast tracked. It's all about being controlled, like so many other aspects of our life. Freedoms.....more and more are being taken away. The younger generations growing up with all these controls, know no better, so these controls are considered normal and necessary. That's enough.....time for a cold one 🍺
  6. Black face is not right in the head, deranged for sure.....
  7. I'm going out on a limb sort of speak and say most people fishing Port or local waters for whatever may bite, probably don't have a clue or know the guide lines on handling a sturgeon.
  8. Buddy and I caught 3 pike over the last 24 hours. 2 pups and one near 30 inches. Small ones not pic worthy. The 30 inch crushed the lure and much blood. No pic as a result.
  9. During that black out Bill, we were amazed how beautiful the sky was with all the bright stars.
  10. I'm guessing they are all closed so no one can say they hurt their eyes while at work.....
  11. 41 degrees is the magic number for the smelt run.
  12. Tommy the lake temps are still in the low 40s, and the smelt are still running.
  13. Suppose to be dark of a while, time for a power nap imo.....
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