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Last Go at Lake Simcoe


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Well, Elkram and I decided to head out and try one last time for some perch through the ice on Lake Simcoe.

We headed up bright and early Sunday morning. Got to the Gilford Rd access around 7 and headed out.

Hit our first spot after about a 20 min walk.

I was surprised at the small amount of people that were out that day....just meant there were more fish for us!

Baited up and dropped the lines down the hole. Short while later and we started to pull up some nice size crappie.

A short while later, I had wandered off about 150 ft to look for the fish and I get a call on the 2 way from Elkram.

"I got something big on and not sure how to get it up the hole" (4 inch hole is a tight squeeze sometimes).

Ran over and gave him a hand getting the rig unhooked from the bottom of the ice and pulled what had to be the

biggest perch either one of us had ever layed eyes on! This thing was huge!!

We estimated it to be in the 15 inch range based on a comparison with my trusty hammer.

After a couple of quick pictures she went back down the hole to spawn the next generation of Big Honkin Perch!!



We didn't catch huge numbers of fish but what we caught was quality. We did catch a few dinky perch and

kept a few in the 7-8 inch range. All in all we brought home about 8 perch and 7 crappie.

We saw some really big crappie caught about 50 yds away from us. One looked to be the size of a dinner plate!

This one is not one of the dinner plate size ones unfortunately.


The days catch.


The end result! They were quite tasty!!!



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You WOULD have to show that dinner plate at the end ! <_< Nice TEASE paulyboy ! now you got me on the prowl for crappies , they are my fav.dinner guests ! :wub: You caught some nice fish guys , glad you got a good day in before the ice is gone !

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You caught some nice fish guys , glad you got a good day in before the ice is gone !

There was at least 20 inches still up there. Guys still driving their pickups on the ice! I figure with the upcoming weather this week, that the shoreline will not be passable to get out there.

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nice way to wrap up the hard water season paulyboy, thanks for the dinner tease too, I just got in from workin since this afternoon and i am starvin <_<

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