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Should lead sinkers and shells be banned

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Here is a question I would like to throw out. Do you think that lead sinkers and shot should be banned due to the toxic effect it has on the environment? Would you be willing to pay a little more to help prevent this contamination. :Gonefishing:

Lead. as a metal, like mercury, copper, etc.. occurs naturally as well as artificially. I am certain that, over time, they will find health risks related to any metal that is used, i.e. bismuth/tin.

Heck, we still use aluminum in food preparation despite the risks of extended use to our health.

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A ban would have to come with some sound research/science. A buddy hunts for geese and tried the nonlead shot for migratory birds. He said their first hunt, they downed very gew birds and couldn't figure out why. They were sure they hit many of them but they just kept on flying.

To their horror when they went out to collect the ones they did hit they found trails of blood all over the place. They had hit many birds but didn't get sufficient coverage to down them which means some birds just flew farther to die elsewhere. Had they realized this was happening or suspected it might, they could have waited for a much closer shot as well as spent allot more time paterning their weapons. Lesson learned, you can't pattern with a different shell then hunt with another. Too bad the migratory shot costs 10 times more. Its also going to cost you more to pattern your gun!!!

If a sound scientific study shows that lead toxifies the water, I'll quit using it voluntarilly. I don't buy the bird eating shot theory either. If they can prove it makes the environment toxic, be prepared to see popular fishing holes like Port D dredged :Gonefishing: .

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