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a skunk report... with pics...


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went out to chippawa and gibson today... skunked both spots.. but got some interesting pics in chippawa...


they look fairly fresh





i snagged one with my hook to see how heavy, big the carcas was out of water... was a good 4-5 lbs still.


there were still a few more in the water too but looked to be a few days old, and no minnows... it was the first time ive been to chippawa creek and not seen minnows in that spot

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Looks like walleyes .....maybe someone had a "shore lunch" near by & tossed the fish remains in the water, or were taking the fillets in a cooler .....supposed to leave a 1" sq. piece of skin on each fillet for ID , unless something illegal was going on like over possession.......

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