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Muskie, in GIBSON.??


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Ive heard posts in the past of them being caught, Ive caught one years ago when I was a teenager , but it was a total flook. Anyone care to share past reports and picture would be a bonus, thanks I look forward to the feedback :lol:


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there are some huge musky in gibson...i remember fishing down there the one day and just saw one soakin up the sun right along the top of the water it had to have been between 3-4 feet long somewhere....i remember rockfish caught one a couple years back and im sure he will be adding his picture to this thread

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Bass and musky I never go after because I see them too often in the media T.V., Video games etc. They are nice fish and I dont mind catching them but I prefer going after course fish and other species.

I have seen some pretty big musky cruising off of weed beds in gibson.

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my buddy got a walleye in gibson last summer with his pa i never went but his dad said it was well this coming from a kid supposally caught a 16" perch on the trent river while pike fishing

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You have to go back to 2006 to see the post of Rockfish's incredible gibson monster.

Topic where rockfish caught muskie that was real nice and big on a cheap lure in lake gibson

Here is a photo of it so you don't have to waste time trolling old threads


I also have another friend who has photos on his facebook of catching a beautiful 6 lb muskie very close to Beaverdams road. I won't share that one with you though I hope you understand.

I don't know rockfish personally but he used to be one of the best fisherpersons on this board. Ever since some time in the winter he just stopped. I don't know if he still lurks or not but if you're out there I miss all of the pike photos you used to post! I ain't mad at ya!


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You have to go back to 2006 to see the post of Rockfish's incredible gibson monster.

Topic where rockfish caught muskie that was real nice and big on a cheap lure in lake gibson

Here is a photo of it so you don't have to waste time trolling old threads


I also have another friend who has photos on his facebook of catching a beautiful 6 lb muskie very close to Beaverdams road. I won't share that one with you though I hope you understand.

I don't know rockfish personally but he used to be one of the best fisherpersons on this board. Ever since some time in the winter he just stopped. I don't know if he still lurks or not but if you're out there I miss all of the pike photos you used to post! I ain't mad at ya!


I don't know rockfish but I met him last March. He recognised me from this board and we chatted. He didn't get into details but said he was done on here? I don't know whats behind it and don't really care but it's too bad a good angler like him had packed it in? Sorry if this is off subject pike007

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Rockfish was/is an incredible essox angler and a regular contributor to the board but was unfortunately banned from the board. I believe there was a time limit on it and that is nearing an end and perhaps he will return after his break. I imagine if he does return, he'll have a stockpile of photos to show that he's accumulated while cooling his jets.

As for are there any musky in Gibson, hell ya. just look at the above photo's but........................... name a water body in Niagara that doesn't have them. Your never going to catch one online though. You have to go put in the time.

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F'ing huge muskie. Sweet. Ive never caught a thing in gibson tried near beaverdams rd., near the falls, by beachwood golf course.nothing, glade some people are catching fish cause i sure aint. good luck to all.

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Rockfish was/is an incredible essox angler and a regular contributor to the board but was unfortunately banned from the board. I believe there was a time limit on it and that is nearing an end and perhaps he will return after his break. I imagine if he does return, he'll have a stockpile of photos to show that he's accumulated while cooling his jets.

Well said Dan

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I remember seeing that pic, didnot know it came out of Gibby. Thanks for the replies guys, keep them coming. I dont mind walleye reports and pictures out of Gibby either or moody for that matter,



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Bass and musky I never go after because I see them too often in the media T.V., Video games etc.

That is the worst logic I've heard come a from a fisherman's mouth. You catch fish for the joy, the sport, the thrill....

And a) how often do you see musky being caught??? you're making it sound like they're as easy to catch as an STD... musky are very hard to catch and are not often seen on fishing shows...

:( theres no fight quite like a musky at the end of your line... for me, its the same thrill as catching a monster salmon

fine if you prefer catching certain species... everyone does... but to say you dont like to catch them because their too often seen in the media, video games.... pure insanity.

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Good to see there's healthy muskie reproduction in gibson.

As soon as you start comparing your irl angling to video games, you might as well just say you're fishing exclusively so you can post a thread with a high hit count on nfn.. sigh.. what's this world coming to?

In conclusion, please keep posting photos of muskie you've caught in gibson.

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I believe that is a pike . Some have those bar markings . Gibson/Moody have both pike & ski in there plus a few eyes & trout if you target them . Nice going on your catch :lol:

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I believe that is a pike . Some have those bar markings . Gibson/Moody have both pike & ski in there plus a few eyes & trout if you target them . Nice going on your catch :lol:

I agree with smerch you can see there are 5 pores on one side under the jaw normally a musky has 8 or more pores on one side of the jaw.

Also the caudal fins are rounded normally a musky has pointed caudal fins.

The cheek is covered entirely in scales normally a musky has only half the cheek covered in scales.

This is still a nice and pretty rare fish as I have never see a pike with those bar markings. So congratulations! :D

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Hey guy,

Reading over some of the posts about Gibson I seen that there are some areas that are not fishable (ie. Tresspassing) I have only started to fish this lake recently and didn't know that Ontario Hydro owns most of the land. Is it legal to fish by the dam down in Allanburg area, you know the one that you have to hike into for about a 25 minute walk down the Bruce trail ( I think its the bruce ) its a place that I want to explore this summer but am doubtfull now because of all the uncertainty of where you can access and where its private property.

So what I'm asking for is if someone can help a fellow fishermen out before he ventures out and gets nailed with a $500 fine just for trying to have some fun. No hot spots required as I wanna find them myself, thats the challenge when it comes to fishing, but I would appreciate a few tips on where you can not fish due to tresspassing.

Thanks Guys

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LOL i dont know how you guys got on the topic of stds :lol: , lol, anyway I also think thats a pike, its reall sometimes hard to tell, when they are that small.

Thanks for the feedbak, keep it coming! :o


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I have seen many small pike with markings like ski bars . We caught some in the rec.canal ice fishing . A quick look at the teeth will tell the diff.......musky have fewer but larger teeth . If you keep fishing with crank /jerk baits etc. in Gibson , you stand a good chance of hooking a big ski !

here's a couple of pics of small pike similiar to the one you caught .....I googled it & found these in images......


this one could be mistaken for a tiger ski......


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well thats still nice a nice pike regardless of what it is might be worth a trip to gibson now

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