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Trent-Severn panfish


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Today was like every day I have been fishing for this past couple of weeks......................rain...............lots and lots of rain. :blahblah1:

The first 2 hours I tried for carp in the first cast I hooked into a small smallmouth. Then we waited for carp but they were not feeding needless to say I got soaked.

We tried a harbour off of the river and caught only a couple small rockbass and a perch.


We then went to a creek mouth going into the main river and caught a sunfish in the dense weeds..............Then nothing.


I had seen an abandoned wharf from the road and so we went to investigate and found deep water this spot looked perfect for walleye which I will go back for later. There was lots of floating mats and some duckweed which held quite a few Rockbass and perch.


Then we tried a series of locks and succeded in finding LOTS of bluegills and sunfish just like in the Rideau Canal system.


We then tried a nice "trout" looking stream flowing under the road by a culvert and to my surprise we caught a perch a rockbass and sunfish.

And lastly we tried a very good looking spot where two slow creeks merged and flowed into the main river this looked a lot like the pictures I had seen of the louisiana bayou and there was even the bullfrogs and lots of fish cover. BUT not any fish excluding a very small sunfish.

Today the water was clear with a slight coffee stain tint.

Visibility was about 6-7 feet.

If you do go there I reccomend not going in rain with out the proper equipment. Try to work the weedbeds and the bottom also these slow creeks that flow into the waterway also the water level was pretty high today.

Overall the fishing was OK but the carp weren't biting so it wasn't great but I still caught fish. :blahblah1:

Also I had never really taken notice to the beauty of the pumpkinseed sunfish they are almost tropical

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nice report there Erik seems the carp are a little slow that might be the storm front though at least you got something and with all this rain collecting crawlers should be easy for the next month :blahblah1:

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