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Thorold south report


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Well heres a fishing report, with pictures. Imagine that. Anyhow, my buddy and I went to thorold south for about an hour or so at 630,7 ish and caught 2 bass. All he caught a was a gobie.lol. we used a threeway set up with a gulp alive and also used a green florescent jig head with a gulp alive. Not to bad i guess for a short period of time. Heres a couple pics of the bass.Happy viewing



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Nice. there is some prime looking water there but it is so well fished, you have to work for them. Easy access spots generally get like that but there's always someone there enjoying a day of fishing when I drive by.

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i live less then 5mins from this spot and havent fished it in years...it just doesnt seem like an appealing fishing spot to me....might have to give it another try though..congrats on the bass

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