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day to remember


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there are certain days that turn out to be days that you will remember for a long time to come. Today was one of those days as i took my Pops icefishing for the first time , we have been trying to make it out for the past couple of months but today we finally made it out and what a great day it turned out to be, and it only got better as my oldest son joined us on the ice a couple hours later. We ended up catching about 50 perch , 11 keepers and the rest went back to grow bigger for next year. Originally we were going to Grangers huts in St. Williams but they took their huts off erie on Wednesday so we hit the Martindale pond. My Pops was like a kid as the perch kept us busy all morning bumping and running, they were biting light and we lost quite a few until we figured them out. The highlight ended up being when Pops set the hook on a big hit and he was saying i think this one is a big one maybe a pike,,,, turned out to be a double hit , 2 perch hit both hooks on the pickerel rig we were using. We got a good laugh out of that one. Anyway here a few pics to show what a great day it turned out to be and the beautiful sun and warm temps only added to the mix.

here's hoping all your days of fishing turn out to be great days of catchin'






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Nice. I've been trying to get my pops out for a couple of years let alone months. Problem is he's usually up and out long before I'm outa bed.

Bigugli , Rockfish & da smerch were out there beside these guys all day .. looks like they got into some nicer perch than we did . (dinks galore) . Nice going fishnagain , it looks like a nice perch dinner is on the way !

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Bigugli , Rockfish & da smerch were out there beside these guys all day .. looks like they got into some nicer perch than we did . (dinks galore) . Nice going fishnagain , it looks like a nice perch dinner is on the way !

i saw you guys out there yesterday,got the perch in the freezer , gonna cook up a fed next weekend, looked like the pike were quiet yesterday, i went back out today with my youngest son, perch were biting slow but managed about a dozen, 1 keeper, young lad lost a monster pike just as we were packing up to leave at noon, the line broke off just as he got it to the hole, he was so excited he vibrated for a couple hours after losing it, i think if he could have dove down the hole after the pike he would have ,, . A couple guys were hitting pike pretty steady at the same spot you guys were first thing out by the dock.

ice is still holding out , hopefully still get one more weekend. maybe see you all out there.

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