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Shoreline Property


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I was reading an article in a old Canadian Sportsman Magazine from 1998. It had an article about a guy who just finished building his cottage he saved up his whole life for. He then decided the kids needed a beach to swim so he ripped the weeds out put sand in and made a beach. Well a short while later the MNR showed up and went off on the guy telling him he was worse then a poacher destroying the ecosystem and so on. He had to take the beach out and pay fines.

That guy was just an average Joe say with average retirement, he gets the full force of the government and gets an example made of him with an article in a magazine. Now I'm thinking what about all these rich houses with there own beaches, every resort or lodge you go to has a beach. Only thing that seperates them from the other guy is money. Every Dam, bridge, ditch that's not natural. These rowers courses with metal poles sticking all over sure aint natural.

I just wanna know is this the Canadian way or something? Sorta like a reverse Robin Hood steal from poor give to rich. Just like if average joe got caught poaching he would be made example of, but if your a big time netter you pay some peanuts and net some more fish. For the right amount of money fishing in a sanctuary maybe will even get your own TV Show! :)

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Well I have to say I feel for the little guy in the example you gave but you still have to have some knowledge of an areas eco system and the proper channels for development. There's a reason there are permits systems in place and you might as well check before bothering to build that shed or outhouse. Times change and the rules change with them.

As for the Canadian way it is no different than the other side of the border. Big money buys big lawyers or can be used as pull in the organizations that award permits for development. But again times are changing and your seeing big money struggle hard to obtain their goals and there are seriously some huge hoops to jump through. Every hoop costs money which usually leaves the average Joe on the sidelines where big money can continue through the whole process. Bottom line is with today's realization of how development effects the environment or eco systems it takes allot of money and remedial action to develop and in allot of cases the area around the development has to be better than what was there by the time you finish.

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If it's the property I think it is, the story is more than a little one sided. The party in question bought wetland waterfront, built on it, then proceeded to dump numerous truckloads of fill and sand into a shallow bay until more than half of the bay was devoid of life and he had destoyed a large portion of the year's spawn. He did so despite the warnings, and complaints, of his neighbours, and got caught. He was fined heavily and required to pay the full cost to restore the marsh and bay. He ended up losing, cottage, home, and declaring personal bankruptcy. Our family had a home 1/2 a mile further down the shore. I never felt sorry for the person as he never once gave a hoot for the consequences of his actions until he was pinched.

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That guy was just an average Joe say with average retirement, he gets the full force of the government and gets an example made of him with an article in a magazine. Now I'm thinking what about all these rich houses with there own beaches, every resort or lodge you go to has a beach. Only thing that seperates them from the other guy is money. Every Dam, bridge, ditch that's not natural. These rowers courses with metal poles sticking all over sure aint natural.

The difference is the resort probably built on the beach. This guy created a beach by hauling in sand. Big difference.

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