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The Carp are Here!


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those mocking birds aren't so great when they are doing their thing right outside your window at 4:30 in the morning. LOL. and I'm surprised by the blackbird................the ones down at the GRT are so nice. almost tame.

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no bird is great outside the window at 4:30 am unless you are getting up to go fishing :D those robins start real early :crazy:

Coachman, i think it was about 300-400 metres in from the gazebo at the launch ramp, heading towards the canal, I have been buzzed by them on the water in the shallows beside cane. they are very protective of their nest , but man I walked away at a good clip and he still followed me for like another 200 metres.. :wall:

I never made it all the way to the islets by the canal yesterday, but i did fish around them last year from the boat, never seen a fish however. I had my 4 month old with me and had to stop a few times to feed a bottle :blink: no not beer B) and ran out of time.

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His nest is sitting right over your head, and that patch of wild rose is his feed plot. Blackbirds are very territorial. He buzzed me on Weds.

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The first pic is a bluegill. I'm shooting from above, so the picture is foreshortened and you don't see the full profile. That makes the fish appear longer in comparison to its height than it is. But you can see the "ears" on its gills. If the light wasn't so harsh coming off the water it would also be possible to see the iridescent markings on its back, which bass don't have.

The second pic is a trout. The white edge on the anal fin gives that away.

Smallmouth bass also tend to guard the nest in pairs. These fish were solo.

Here's another angle on the trout. Note the white edges on the fin.


Its a bass!

I was down there this morning,and the bass were very agressive on gaurding there nests.I saw bass from1 to 6 lbs range very close to shore.Carp were doing the business(chicichicibowbow) and they rest were trying to eat up what ever was in the nests.No pike nibbling.

The only thing that bothered me was the guys setting up for the regatta .They were going full throttle threw the weed line areas and other nests.These areas are shallow anywhere from 5 to 10 fow.Anyway6 there is a heathly population of bucketmouths there at peir 4 park.Lets keep it that way,Please.Btw theres a perch tourney there next sunday.Call bills bait in hamilton.$500 for biggest perch.

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