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My PB Salmon!

Sea Nymph

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Went out early today, was on the water by 6:30 and as we headed out from St.Catharines marina the bay was like glass. The closer we got to the opening of the bay we could see the rollers like hills in the distance but decided to press on and see what we could do. The waves were within a half a foot of us having to call it but it was so nice out we had to press on. Took us a while to get a good troll going but within a half hour the rods started going off and the water calmed down. First a few rainbows so we went a little deeper and finally got into some big boys! Total for the day was 7 in the boat with a whole bunch more that got off, two being big kings and one 25 pounder my PB!!!! Also my buddy Brian got his PB at 24 pounds, had to put the bear hug on him. This is my first year on the lake, I can't believe I didn't do this years ago! The mangled hook from my PB was retired to the hat!






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Congrats on the personal best. I am looking forward to your next and as you stated you can't believe you didn't do it sooner many would be right out there with you could they afford the gear. That's a great fishery and for the most part it is stocked so we should take full advantage of it if we can. Perhaps your new found favourite past-time will give you something to do this winter and you can trade a few rod hours for hatchery hours. Another amazing past-time B)

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Nice going guys ! Lake Ont. has been producing well this year . I saw a story in a newspaper yesterday showing Julian Fantino holding a big king while salmon fishing with a charter . Also on board with him was the minister of natural resources, Linda Jeffrey . They got into a triple header right off the bat and were amazed at the fishing opportunities of the lake . Congrats on your personal best king !! :unsure:B)

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Nice fish! Just be careful out there! I too have a small boat and like to get out there chasing Salmon and Trout, the Great Lakes demend the respect they deserve.They have put 700 foot Freighters on the bottom!

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